Illusion • Kirino Ranmaru x Reader

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Kirino Ranmaru's POV

First day of spring, my life is still boring. Attending classes, meeting with friends, doing troublesome things but I've changed when I met her, she brought the light to my dark path, her (h/c) hair swaying and dancing with the winds, her bright smile shining. She is (Y/n), let me tell you a story...


Ah, This must be the day I met her...

I sat comfortably in my seat, waiting for our designated teacher to arrived at class.  classmates chattering with each other, while I am alone, not that I don't have friends but they're in another class. I sighed and laid my head on my desk.

Soon enough, our teacher showed up with a girl by his side. She was really beautiful, her (e/c) orbs are shining, the corner of her smooth pink lips slid upwards, she seemed quite nervous but held it back. She started to introduce herself, her name (L/n) (Y/n) is fitting her beauty.

"Umm, A-Ano?" A voice snapped me from my thoughts, it's her. "C-Can I seat next to you?" I glanced at her then nodded. After few minutes of silence, she decided to speak up, "Can I have your name?"

"Kirino Ranmaru," I mumbled. "H-Huh?"

"It's my name, Kirino Ranmaru." Her nervous face then changed into enlightened one. "I'm (L/n) (Y/n), nice meeting you Kirino-kun." She stated with a sweet smile, once again I found myself dumbfounded.

After the class, number of my classmates approached her, asking her questions while me, I just started leaving, I don't wanna have a string attached relationship with her, I don't like to be hurted once more. "Sorry but I have to accompany my friend," I heard she what she said, so she already gained friends. "Kirino-kun!"

I turned to look at her, asking what's going on. "Can you tour me around the academy, please?" She asked as her hands entangled. I can't deny, can I? She looks too cute to decline.

"Fine," I cooly answered as I crossed my arm. We started walking and I told her all about the directions of all buildings in the academy. As we walked back to our classroom, she seems uncomfortable, did I do something to make her like that?

"Ne, are you uneasy being with me? If so I can—"

"I'm okay. I'm just nervous because it's my first day here and I'm very thankful to you just being here guiding me." She said as she flashed her signature smile.

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How missing this scene is...

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, Kirino-kun." Y/n said as she approached me. I am now alone with her at the park. I don't know why she suddenly called me here but it seems important. "What's the problem, (Y/n)?"

"Um, the thing is...," She's getting red as tomatoes, but she'll always be cute to my eyes. "—I like you!" What? Did she just said that she liked me? Am I dreaming or hallucinating?

"I know it's only been few months since I became friends with you but—" Ahre? So she's been confessing to me, I'm not dreaming. I'm glad that she likes me. "—I already took a liking to you."

"I like you too."

• • • •

That's right soon, we became a couple, I decided to let me friends meet her but—

"(Y/n), what are you doing here? I thought you're busy?" I asked her but he shook her head and smiled. "No one or no thing can stop me going to my beloved." Without knowing, I am already blushing. "Oh (Y/n)-san, are you visiting Kirino?" Shindou asked her and she just nodded. "You're really lucky, man."

I just smiled and turned my attention to my lovely girlfriend. "I already told you that you should change your shirt when your sweating, you aren't listening to me are you?" She pouted and I chuckled a bit then embraced her. "Okay, I'll remember that from now on so stop pouting."

"I'm not pouting!!!" She started to hit my chest but in a gentle way. I caught her hand and started to kiss it. My friends are already blushing and gushing with my actions. They told me that I'm not this open to someone when (Y/n) and I were not yet couple.

• • •

—That accident happened and...

I was walking alone when I found a cat lying on the center of the road. I look around but it seems that no vehicle is approaching so I went to the cat. I held it and put it in my arms, admiring it. "Beeeeepppp!!!" Too late, It's the end of my life...

"Kirino-kun, watch out!" A familiar voice exclaimed but before I glanced at it's direction, I felt my self being pushed away by someone. Terror appeared on my face when I saw that a person was bumped into the truck instead of me, more over, my girlfriend (Y/n)

I immediately put the cat down and get beside her body, full of her own blood. "(Y/n) listen to me, do not rest yet." I said as tears escaped my eyes. I felt a warm hand touch my cheek, "I'm happy that you're safe..." With those words my sobs became heavily and her body became cold—she's dead.

• • •

—You know what hurt the most?–


—They knew nothing about her, she just---

"Kirino-kun!" My eyes opened when I felt something shaking my shoulder. "Thank God your okay." Aoi said in a worried face. I also saw everyone, Shindou, Tenma, Tsurugi and others. "What happened?"

"We're taking a practice match when you suddenly collapsed." Shindou said. "(Y/n)! Where is she?!" Everyone looked at me worriedly. "Kirino, who's (Y/n)?"


"(L/n) (Y/n), our friend, the one with (e/c) orbs and (h/c) hair, she just transferred here this year. My girlfriend!" Shindou looked seriously at Aoi then she did the same. What's going on?

"Kirino, I'm afraid that there's no student named (L/n) (Y/n) transferred here this year and she doesn't even exist." Aoi said seriously. "And how can you have a girlfriend when you just said earlier that you have no interest at girls?"

So, I'm just dreaming? (Y/n) is just a hallucinations? But it all felt true.


Yes, it's just a dream. A beautiful dream that can never happen.

(Y/n) Is Just an Illusion.


Kanna: I'm so sorry for updating awfully late. rantaku039 your request is updated! I truly apologize for updating late.

Kirino: I hope you like the oneshot!

Kanna: And this will probably be the last update I'm doing. And thank you for 10k reads! I love you guys!!!

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