Ferris Wheel • Shuu x Reader

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Third Person's POV

"Shuu!" Y/n smiled brightly when she saw Shuu standing at their doorstep. She gave him a quick hug. Shuu had a serious look on his face which surprised her a little bit.

"Hey Y/N. Can I come in? We need to talk." He said as she nodded.

"Ok, sure." She stepped aside to let him in. Shuu had been to her house countless times so he knew how to navigate his way to the living room.

"What's up?" Y/n asked. Shuu held her waist and pulled into a hug. Sure, the two of them had hugged before, but it felt different. There was something wrong.

"Shuu, what's wrong?" Y/n asked again.

"I-I'm moving..." Shuu whispered. Her eyes widened.


"I'm going to France. I'm going to study over there." Y/n stayed quiet for a while, taking everything in. After a minute she asked,

"When are you coming back?"

"7 years." She hugged Shuu tighter, holding back a sob.

"O-Oh..." Shuu pulled away from the hug.

"Before I go, there's something I need to tell you." She nodded for him to continue.

"Y/N, I...I love you, ok? And...Even though we'll be apart for 5 years, I promise you - my feelings won't change." He spoken his feelings and she smiled.

"I love you too, Shuu. Don't forget me."

"Never. I swear it."


It had been 7 years since Shuu had made that promise to her. Her friends had said that she should move on. "There are plenty of guys who are interested!"

But she just refused them all. Y/n were confident that Shuu would come back. "But what if he had moved on?" They said as they were looking at her with a worried face. "No, Shuu promised. But then again, promises could be broken..."

Every Sunday afternoon, she took a walk around town. It was good exercise and helped her clear her head.

Y/n must have not been looking where she were going because she bumped into someone.

"Sorry..Wait, Shuu?!" She gasped.

"Y/N!" Shuu smiled. Shuu picked her up and spun her around making her squeal. When he finally placed her back on the ground, she stared into his dark coloured eyes while he stared into your [e/c] ones.

The two of them leaned in slowly towards each other. She stopped when his nose brushed hers.

"Shuu.." She said. Shuu pressed his lips against hers. Y/n didn't hesitate to kiss back. Shuu soon pulled away.

"Let's go somewhere private. I've got 7 years worth of kisses to give you." Shuu grinned at her red face. "Where do you want to go?"

"Where? Wh-Where...." She put her hands on her chin then she nodded her head. Shuu just smiled and waiting for her answer. " Anywhere is fine. Anywhere would be fun as long as I'm with you, Shuu!"

His eyes widened. Shuu was surprised to heard her answer, he blushed and stayed silent. "What's the matter?"

"Nothing..." He smiled.

"You? Where do you want to go?" She asked as Shuu continued to smile.

"With you, I could go anywhere." Y/n felt the butterflies on her stomach and her face starts to turn red.


They spent time walking around, snacking and taking commemorative pictures at various spots, even returning to the Spinning Teacup and Haunted House to take a picture since they forgot.

You know what they say, time flies when you're having fun. Evening approached, and they made their way to the Ferris Wheel.

"Can't go without this right?" Shuu beamed, the sun was setting, but her bright smile was all Shuu needed for light and warmth.

"Mmph. I wonder if we'll get to see the sunset up there. The queue is quite long." Y/n stared at the sky past the Ferris wheel.

"Don't worry, We'll be able to." Shuu grinned widely to Y/n as she turned to face the sun.


Up the Ferris Wheel, Y/n sat opposite of Shuu and did not jump around like how she usually would. Y/n who was looking out the window noticed the difference and turned to see Shuu gazing softly at her, smiling warmly.

"Y/n? Aren't you going to check out the sights?"

Y/n's smile curved higher. "I'm happy with what I'm seeing."

As they ascended to the top, the orange glow flickered and soon disappeared behind the horizon. The russet evening sky exchanged for a violet night sky. Y/n felt a soft warmth on her hands and on her back as Shuu nuzzled her neck.

"Y/n, did you like the sunset?" His breath tickled Y/n and sent a shiver through her body despite the warmth Shuu was sharing in the small space of the Ferris Wheel's car.

Y/n nodded. "I loved it. I love that Shuu is by my side as we watched the sunset." She shifted her body to face him. "I love that we got to watch the sunset because of Shuu." Y/n leaned closer to Shuu. "And I love you, Shuu."

"I love you, Y/n. And nothing can measure our love for each other."

The rest of the ride was spent with gazing into each other's eyes, and resting on each other's shoulder, their hands intertwined.

"Nothing can separate us apart."


Kanna: Shuu! Thanks for your hard work!

Shuu: It's my pleasure.

Hakuryuu: What about my story? Why I haven't been my turn yet?

Kanna: Please be patient Hakuryuu.

Hakuryuu: Tch.

Shuu: Thanks for reading!!! Till the next chapter!

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