Secret Admirer • Kazemaru Ichirouta x Reader

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Third Person's POV


Y/n heard the school bell ring so she immediately stood up from her seat and began packing up her things.
She started heading towards the door when she were stopped by the teacher.

"Y/n, I have something to tell you," Mr. Fuyukai said.

Y/n's heart began to beat faster a bit. She have no idea what your teacher is going to say. Is it something bad?

She stood in front of the teacher's desk. "Yes Mr. Fuyukai?"

"Well, I know that you have been the top of each class you have so, since you and Kazemaru have the same classes, may I ask you to help him?"

Her eyes widened and she felt her heart is racing. K-Kazemaru? I'm going to... help him?

"Is it okay to you Ms. Y/n?"

She snapped out her daydreaming and said, "O-of course M-mr. Fuyukai!"

"Okay. The tutoring starts at free time in the library. Thank you for your help (Y/n)."

Inside, she were excited and nervous at the same time. Y/n was excited that she is going to help and talk to her crush, but she's nervous that she might screw up or even make him think that she's a total nerd. Not to mention, she always wear glasses.

~Later in the Library~

"Hey (y/n)!"

She turned around to see her crush running towards you.

"H-hey Kazemaru-kun!" She stuttered.

He sat down next to you. "Teacher told me that you're my tutor. It's so great to have as my tutor," he smiled.

She felt face heat up. "Uh, t-thanks..."

"So, can we start?"

"O-of course! What subject do you want first?"

"Math. I'm bad at it."

"Don't worry, you'll get it," Y/n said and started.

♡Time Skip to Dismissal♡

She walked towards her locker to pack all of her stuff. Y/n opened her locker and a piece of paper fell.

She picked it up and read it's contents.

Whenever I see your hair flip,
I try to resist by biting my lip,

Your gaze strucks me like a lightning,
And, my heart flutters like a phone ringing

This is my love note to you,
I hope I will introduce myself to you soon

    -Love, Your Secret Admirer♡

She gasped and felt her heart racing with excitement and confusion.
Never had this happened to her. Love notes, no one even had confessed to her. She thought that this was a trick, until it happened again on the next day.

~Next Day, before start of classes~

Y/n once again received a letter once she open your locker.

I hope to see you later,
Later we meet in the library

I wish to get to know you better,
I wish to confess to you in person,

See you later, (y/n)

    -Love, Your Secret Admirer

She smiled at the letter. She wanted to know who this secret admirer of hers.

She grabbed all of the things she need and went to to class.

~Time Skip again to Dismissal~

"B-bye!" She said as she see Kazemaru walk away.

Y/n looked down at her book and found a piece of paper peeking out of the book.
She grabbed it and saw that it was another letter from her secret admirer.

I loved how you teach today,
And I want to confess to you this day

Meet me later behind the school,
For I want you to meet me too

   -Love, Your Secret Admirer

Y/n smiled and packed up her things. She went behind the school, eager to meet this guy.

She looked around, but found no sight of anyone.
Suddenly, someone covered her eyes behind her.

"Hey!" Y/n yelled.

"At last, you came," a voice said.

"A-are you... my secret admirer?"

"It's not a secret anymore (y/n)."

"May I see you?"

He took off his hands from her eyes. Y/n turned around to see a familiar face staring at her. Her eyes widened in disbelief.


"Surprise?" He scratched the back of his neck.

"Y-you're my- mmph?"

Y/n got cut off by Kazemaru's lips. Her eyes widened as she blush madly. He wrapped his arms around her waist.

Before she could even kiss back, he pulled away.

"(Y/n)..." he pulled a strand behind her ear.


"I love you. Do you feel the same way?"

"....Y-yes. Yes I do K-Kazemaru-kun," she smiled.

He returned the smile. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes, I will be."


Kanna: Hey Kazemaru!

Kazemaru: What's up?

Kanna: Good job today.

Shindou: Good work, Kazemaru-san.

Kazemaru: Thank you.

Kirino: Shindou, I have something to tell you...

Shindou: What is it?

Kirino: I lo--

Tsurugi:Shut your mouth, I'm busy.

Kirino: Sorry.

Tsurugi: I don't like to do this but..... If you want vote for this chapter.

Shindou: If you want?! It's a wrong sentence, let Tenma handle this.

Tenma: Me?

Shindou: Yes, you.

Tsurugi: Whatever.

Tenma:Did you like this chapter? By the way, Kanna said that she don't own this story, she just change something in this chapter so credits to the owner. And I.... also don't want to agree to this but.... I don't know what to say. Just leave a comment and vote if you like this chapter.

Shindou: Well done Tenma. Well then, Bye~

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