Jealousy • Tsurugi Kyousuke x Reader

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Third Person's POV

"Taiyou, can you help me?" Y/n asked.

"About what?" Taiyou replied.

"Tsurugi is avoiding me lately and I don't know if I offend him or something." She lowered her head.

"Okay, I'll help you."

Next Day

Y/n blinks and Taiyou just smiles at her, his eyes closed. "Um, what are we doing here Taiyou-san?" Y/n asked looking down at her menu.

"To eat." Taiyou replied calmly.

"But, I am still confused. How will this get Tsurugi to start talking to me again?" Y/n asked. They were at a restaurant sitting outside at a table with a big umbrella on top that covers them from the sun.

"Oh you'll see. But remember Y/n, do exactly as I say, and don't question my methods." Taiyou's smile grew. "Just trust me." He added.

Y/n nodded and looked at her menu. "Ah and also, ignore Tsurugi, pretend he is merely the wind, and only pay attention to me. If he is persistent on trying to talk to you, pretend you are uninterested! Here he comes now" Taiyou said.

Then the navy blue haired boy came along, looking to be deep in thought.

He looked up and felt his blood boil when he saw Y/n eating with Taiyou.

Eye twitching and feeling murderous, he rushed towards them ready to beat any guy that stood in his way.

"Oh hello there Tsurugi Kyousuke-kun, wonderful day right?" Taiyou greeted. Tsurugi ignored him however and focused on Y/n. She can feel his penetrating gaze, and gulped as she hunched her head.

"Y/n." Tsurugi greeted blushing a little. She felt sorry for ignoring him, but did it anyway.

"Do you need something Tsurugi?" Taiyou asked.

Tsurugi glared at him. "Yeah, I need to talk to Y/n."

"M-maybe later Tsurugi." Y/n pretending to be bored. "I-I um, you can see--"

"---We're having a date!" Taiyou cheerily exclaimed. "Right Y/n-chan?" he looked at Y/n smilling at her, encouraging her to play along. Shyly Y/n nodded.

Tsurugi however, was having trouble processing this.





Date............ Eh?!


"Oh is that so?!" Tsurugi said through gritted teeth. He knew he shouldn't had left Y/n alone to hang around Taiyou! He should've spent every moment with her and kept Taiyou away from her. Now Taiyou has stolen his princess! Tch.

"Well then, I guess I should go. Better leave you both alone to enjoy your date" He spat before stomping away.

Y/n gave a worried glance at Taiyou. "Taiyou! It didn't work! We only made him even more mad!" Y/n panicked. The thought of Tsurugi hating her forever broke her heart.

"Now now Y/n, calm yourself, the plan is working. Knowing Tsurugi, he's hidden in the men's bathroom behind the restaurant to plot a way to sabotage our, and I quote, 'date', he's probably calling backup to help him right now" Taiyou calmly remarked before looking at his menu. "What do you want to eat?"


"TAIYOU'S DATING Y/N! I REPEAT! TAIYOU'S DATING Y/N!" Tsurugi yelled at his phone, sweating from panic and rage.

"Calm down Tsurugi." came the voice of Shindou.

"Calm down?! How can I calm down?!!" Tsurugi screamed. Thankfully, no one was with him. He had the whole room to himself.

"Ok ok, I'm on my way, where are you? I'll bring Tenma along."

"We're at Inazuma Coffee Place." Tsurugi says taking deep breaths to calm down.

"We're on our way" Then Shindou hang up the call.

"Whatever." he whispered.

Meanwhile outside, Taiyou was already whispering instructions to Y/n. "Now remember, pretend you are having a good time with me, but! If Tsurugi tries to gain you attention, get angry to him and scold him." Taiyou giggled. Y/n nodded. "Okay but, is all this really necessary?"

"Trust me it is."

Taiyou's smile made Y/n doubtful a little, but Taiyou's her friend. She shouldn't doubt her friends.

Tsurugi peeked over her shoulder and smirked when he spotted the top of Y/n's head poking out behind a bush with Shindou and Tenma.

Taiyou held her hand and kissed  it. Y/n blushed a little and thinking that she should stop but it's for the sake of her and Tsurugi. Then Taiyou started to kiss her cheeks. Tsurugi felt so angry with that movement and couldn't take it anymore. Taiyou noticed that Tsurugi is coming so he informed Y/n to stay still. Taiyou held her chin and move his lips closer to Y/n's.

"3, 2, 1..." He counted.

"Stop it!" He commanded.

"Now." Taiyou whispered.

"What is your right to stop us?" Y/n trembled a bit.

"Y/n he's just using you, leave him and come with me."

"A're? Are you jealous?" Taiyou teased as he smirked.

"I'm very jealous to see the one that I love with another boy." He said.

"Let's stop, I'll go now. Goodluck Y/n-chan." Taiyou said as he left with his signature smirk.

"What does he mean stop?" Tsurugi asked then Y/n hugged him.

"I thought you really avoid me." Y/n said.

"Baka, I'm never going to avoid you."


Shindou: Tsurugi is jealous? This is the first time you got jealous.

Kanna: And he's more attractive being that.

Tsurugi: Just say want you want, I'm not gonna listen to your lame stories.

Tenma: Tsurugi is really cool this time.

Yuuichi: Job well done, Kyousuke.

Tsurugi: Why are you here Nii-san?

Yuuichi: Can't I go he and congratulate my brother for his good work?

Tsurugi: I...

Shindou: Hello Y/n-san, we hope that you like this story.

Kirino: Yup and please stay turned. Bye~

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