2 weeks later

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*2 weeks later*

Katie's POV


It's been about 1 week and a few days since I moved back to London and moved into Danielle's apartment. I didn't have any job, I couldn't really get one because I was deaf, it was a bit hard, but I have been going to watch Danielle's dance practise and I have been doing my own dancing with out music. 

I know though that my career is over. There is no way I will ever be a dancer again. Not with out my hearing anyway. 

The boys were all still on tour, they wouldn't be back for another 2 to 3 weeks. Sometimes I wish I had stayed with them but you know it just reminded me more that I couldn't hear Louis' smart ass comments or Harry's pervert one's. I couldn't hear anyone of them singing. I was missing out on a lot and I hated it. 

Liam had been trying his best to sign everything they were saying but it was exhausting him. I talk to him over skype call. Well I talk and I can see him and he can see me but he has to type his answers and so on. Sometimes he signs. We are both getting better at signing. 

I've been teaching Danielle some sign language to. Liam told me that he has been teaching the boys and the girls on tour how to sign as well. Soon they will all be able to communicate with me but I still feel weird about it. They are all learning something because of me. 

Liam has been such a sweet heart. I know I have been an ignorant girl to not see how much he has been trying but it was just so hard for me at the start. This is the worst thing to ever happen to me. Not even my parents killing themselves get anywhere near how much pain I'm in at the moment. But Liam has been there the whole time. I owe him, I know that. 

It took me this week with nothing to do and loads of spare time to think about everything and I finally know that I do love Liam. I think I always have. I plan to tell him. Probably while we are in Paris. Of course I didn't cancel that because of my stupid hearing. 

I can't wait to go to Paris. No concerts, no signings. Just me, Liam, Harry, Niall, Louis, Zayn, Perrie, Kathy and Cecilia. It was going to be fun. But i wouldn't be able to hear the sounds of Paris. 

I'm going to have to stop putting myself down in the dumps. I keep getting all happy and then thinking that I am not going to be able to hear anything and then I go straight back to sad. I'm going to have to get used to knowing that I may never hear again. Though there is a possibility that I might get my hearing back one day. The doctors told Liam that and he told me. I will never forget that possibility. 

I got pulled out of my thoughts by someone waving their hand in front of my face. I looked up and saw Danielle standing there looking at me with worried eyes. I had been sitting on the couch just thinking for a while I guess. 

'Thank God' She signed and I gave her a small smile. 

'Did you need something?' I asked. I could talk but she had to sign. 

'No, I was just checking you were okay. I'm going out. My friends having a party. Do you want to come?' She signed slowly and I took most of it in. I shook my head. I had no interest in going to a party where I couldn't hear anything that was going on. 

'Okay, I'll see you later. I'll lock the house up for you if you like?' She signed again and I nodded. Danielle moved away and went to lock up the house. I went upstairs and went to my little room that Danielle had kindly leant me.

I opened up my laptop and went on skype. I checked if Liam was online. He was, I called him and smiled when his beautiful face appeared on my screen. 

The moment I met you (Liam Payne Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now