Mistake made

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Liam's POV


I was completely surprised by Katie's movements. I hadn't expected anything like that. It wasn't like I wasn't enjoying it though. I was enjoying it greatly. I forgot that we were in a photoshoot, forgot that everyone else was there. Right now it was just Katie and me and that was all that mattered. 

I didn't care that photo's were being taken, for a magazine. I knew I should probably stop but the thing was. I didn't want to. 

We continued kissing, my arms wrapped around her waist and her hands slid up to play with my hair. It was maybe the best kiss. Though we broke apart when someone cleared there throat beside us.

I felt my cheeks heat and I knew I was blushing. I glanced at Katie and she was just as red as me. I looked back at the person who had interrupted us. Harry. 

'Liam. You have a girlfriend.' He stated giving me death eyes. Right. I do. That crazy girl who was pretty much forcing me into being her girlfriend. 

'And Katie. You have a boyfriend.' Harry Stated again. That took me completely by surprise. 

'What?' Katie and I both said at the same time. 

'Don't you remember last night?' He asked Katie. 

'No...' She said awkwardly. 

'I asked you last night if you would be my girlfriend and you said yes.' He said and the way he said it meant that there would be no arguing. I felt like I was going to die. She was going out with Harry?


Katies POV

 'I asked you last night if you would be my girlfriend and you said yes.' He said and the way he said it meant that there would be no arguing. I looked at him confused and I felt a buzzing in my pocket. My phone. I pulled it out and read the text that Harry had sent me.


Harry: Go along with it. I know you are upset about what he did yesterday and the girl. Do you want to get him back or not? I know you kissed him, just say it was a mistake.

I gave him a nod, saying that I understood. I did want to get him back. I had been trying to ignore him but that hadn't exactly worked. Harry, for once, was trying to help me. 

'Oh, yeah...I remember.' I said, flashing him a smile and he returned it. The photographer had stopped taking photo's long ago. He was yelling at his assistant saying that he didn't have enough memory and it was her fault. 

I turned to Liam who looked like he had been shot.

'Are you okay? Is it really that surprising?' I asked. Luckily I could be a bitch and a good actress if I wanted to. 

'I just, I just...What you just said. You said that you thought we were getting somewhere and you were so angry that I had a girlfriend and what I did yesterday. And then you kissed me. I just, I just don't understand.' He mumbled. 

'All I said was true. I meant what I said. And I am annoyed but if you can have a girlfriend. Why can't I have a boyfriend? And the kiss was a mistake. I couldn't help myself. Liam. When you wake up to yourself, I'll be here. For now. I am with Harry and you are with Lexis.' I said before turning and walking over to Harry. What I had said made no absolute sense at all. Who cares. He was confused and jealous. You could see it all over his face. Serves him right for letting me tell him something I hadn't told anyone and then ignoring me. 

Harry wrapped his arm around my waist. I didn't like it but I had to keep up the facade so I dealt with it. 

The photographer shouted that the shoot was over and that we could leave now. 

The moment I met you (Liam Payne Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now