Fix this

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Harry's POV


I had been talking to Louis about what I had done and what Liam had said to Louis afterwards.

After all the girls left we had had to stay and wait around to have our interviews done one by one. Louis and Liam had spent the whole time in a serious conversation and Liam would never even look at me. 

He was just telling me about how annoyed and frustrated Liam was when we heard footsteps so Louis stopped talking. Something slipped under the door, neither Louis or I moved until the footsteps faded obviously having walked away. 

I got up from my spot on my bed and grabbed the thing that had slipped under the door. It was the magazine we had had the shoot for yesterday but that wasn't what my eyes widened at. It was the picture on the front cover that made me want to chuck all these magazine into a shredder so they would be gone forever. 

Why did they have to choose that picture? It made me look so jealous! And oh god! What about Katie and Liam kissing! What were we going to do about that!

'We might have more to fix than we thought...' I announced to Louis and chucked the magazine at him.

He took one look at it before looking back up at me. 

'How could we have even thought it was going to be that easy?' he said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes. Louis, always the one to crack a joke.

'How are we going to fix this!' I whined. To much on my mind!

'Well, Liam hasn't announced he has a girlfriend so we can just ignore the Lexis bitch and say that Katie and Liam are together. Everything proves it and you hopefully didn't say anything about YOU being with Katie did you?' He strategized while pacing the room. I watched him while I sat on my bed. He was a mastermind but an idiot at the same time, how was tha even possible?

'Um, no. I didn't. Just to Liam. But we could just say that we were joking around. And then they would have to say they are together. That could work Lou!' I thought about it before answering.

'I know, I'm a genius. No need to tell me!' Louis smirked and I rolled my eyes again.

'We have to tell people first. And Katie and Liam need to have a serious talk. One that doesn't end up in either of them either more mad or them kissing.' I stated.

'Correct! let us get started! Aren't we good friends?' Louis smirked and we sent texts out to Katie and Liam to come to our room urgently.


Liam's POV


I got a text from Louis telling me to come to his room urgently just after a magazine had been slipped under my door. The magazine that we had only just done the photoshoot and interview for yesterday!

The picture on the cover had me and Katie kissing and I like literally stopped. Stopped breathing. Stopped thinking. I just stared at it. Shit.

Why hadn’t management stopped this?

Once my sense came back to me I walked out the door, heading straight towards Louis and Harry’s room. 

I was going to die. This was totally screwed up. Why did Zayn have to tell me to be careful and sort out my feelings? It just made me stop myself for the one thing that I was now certain of. 

The moment I met you (Liam Payne Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now