Shopping trip (Part 2)

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3 hours later:

We have now been to about 7 different clothing stores and I am pretty sure Harry, Liam and Niall are really annoyed because they are having to carry everything. Overall we have gotten for me so far 13 shirts, 8 dresses, 10 pairs of pants, 7 skirts, 5 hoodies, 2 handbags, 5 necklaces, 5 pairs of earrings, 1 pair of sunglasses, 12 pairs of shoes. A complete shopping spree. 

‘Can we eat now?’ Niall groaned through the pile of shopping bags he was carrying. 

‘No, we have to get their dancing costumes, dance practice clothes a-’ Louis said looking around for another sop but was cut of by Zayn. 

‘Hair! I can see a hair shop right over there. Maria needs a hair cut so you guys can take a break while we are there.’ Zayn said excitedly and basically ran over to the hairdressers. We all followed with Harry, Niall and Liam complaining the whole way. 

We all set our shopping bags down inside the shop and looked around. Zayn was already busy talking to the hairdresser. He waved Christine over and she hesitatingly walked over. 

‘Now Christine is our new back up dancer so she has to look the part. Therefore she needs blonde highlights to brighten her light brown hair and a trim. No more than an inch off or I will sue this place. Understood?’ Zayn commanded showing what he meant with his hands. The hairdresser got to work on Christine’s hair and Zayn immediately turned to the next girl.

‘Can I get food?’ Niall winged behind me as Zayn talked about what needed to be done with Maria’s hair. 

‘Let’s go. I don’t want to stay here.’ Harry answered and I turned around to see 4 boys leave the hairdressers. Liam, Niall, Louis and Harry all left to get food. I was about to go after them when I heard my name being called. 

‘Katie! Your hair doesn’t need much but I want to make yours extra special because you are gonna be our main dancer because you are nearly perfect in nearly every way. So with your hair I would like to put one blue streak in to make it stand out against your beautiful long black hair. You will also need a trim.’ Zayn said matter of factly and oushed me towards a chair with a hairdresser next to it. 

Half an hour later I had a bright blue streak in my hair and Maria and Christine were finished with their haircuts too. The boys still weren’t back but I felt really weird with this blue streak. 

‘You guys look really good. Trust me. My expertise really helped you all.’ Zayn flustered around us. 

About 10 minutes later we were sitting outside the hairdressers waiting for the other boys with Zayn still going on and on about how his expertise on hair made us all look so much better. I swear if he said one more time that I look way better with a blue streak in my hair I will kill him. 

‘Oh my god! What have you done to Katie's hair!’ I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around to see Harry and the other boys standing there with their mouths practically hanging open. 

‘Doesn’t it look great!?’ Zayn said grinning like a fool.

‘It..Looks so..’ Liam muttered staring at me. I looked away feeling a little uncomfortable. Did it look that bad?

‘You look absolutely beautiful!’ Niall said and gave me a huge hug. 

‘Aw, thanks Niall.’ I said and hugged him back. 

‘Come on guys. No time for hugs we have more shopping to do!’ Louis said and ripped Niall off me. 

Harry and Liam instantly groaned. 

‘More shopping? What else do they need?’ Harry asked annoyed. 

‘Dance costumes!’ Louis answered happily and set off towards a different shop. I didn’t catch the name of it before we were inside. 

‘Ah! I found the perfect thing that will suit all of you for the first part of the concert.’ Louis said from the back of the shop and we all followed the sound. 

Louis held up a different dance costume.

After half an hour all three of us girls had three different dance costumes and extra one’s for Danielle. We were all so tired. I swear i was about to pass out. Though I couldn’t show the boys how tired I was because I didn’t want to make a bad impression on them on my first day. Someone else wasn’t afraid to show their tiredness. 

‘I am sooooo tired. Can we leave now?’ Wined Harry.

‘Okay, okay. We can leave now. We didn’t get everything, but we can just get more another time. Besides it is now 3pm and we promised Simon we would bring everyone back by 3.30 so let’s go.’ Louis said and we all walked out of the shopping centre with a million bags. 

Once we were all in the car as well as all the bags Louis made a weird noise.

‘I almost forgot to tell you all!’ He said and face palmed himself. 

‘What did you forget boubear?’ Harry asked grabbing his hand so he couldn’t hit himself again.

‘I forgot to tell them that all their stuff from their apartments or places is getting moved to the mansion so we will all be living with each other! I forgot! I forgot! Damn it!’ Louis said through gritted teeth. 

‘Seriously! I didn’t agree to that!’ yelled Maria. ‘I don’t want to live with you brats! I only came to the audition because I needed a job and I am a good dancer, NOT A FAN! I do NOT want to live with you. It’ll be the death of me!’ 

‘Hey, calm down, we aren’t that bad. Besides you will be sharing a room with Christine so it won’t matter as much. You aren’t going to be with any of us.’ Liam tried to calm her down. 

‘Who am I rooming with?’ I asked. I mean I didn’t exactly want to sleep in the same room as one of them. I understand where Maria was coming from. Though I wasn’t totally against it.

‘Oh you are rooming with Danielle!’ Liam said excitedly in answer to me. 

Oh god, I thought. Liam’s girlfriend. I hoped she would like me. I mean I want to be every one of the background dancer’s friend but if I was going to be rooming with her then I wanted to be her friend. There was also one other problem with that, I was pretty sure I was in love with Liam and I would be rooming with his girlfriend. Oh god.

‘Is there a problem with that?’ Liam asked.

‘No, no. I just didn’t expect Danielle. It’s fine. I just hope she likes me!’ I said forcing a smile. 

‘Oh don’t worry. I am pretty sure everyone likes you already! She will definitely! She is an amazing person, you will like her too!’ Liam said proudly and I looked away.


Costumes on the side >>

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