Stuck in the shop

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Katie's POV

Kathy had just gotten back to me saying that she could come tonight. Tonight was a whole week after Danielle had left and not everything was going very well.

Apparently the dancers really needed Danielle her because she was like the glue to us. She had always kept us from fighting and she was gone, Maria is in full bitch mode. It is hard to work with Maria, let alone dance. So basically we have done nothing all week except fight.

Luckily Simon told me today that Cecilia would be starting in two days and that he found another girl to take Maria's place. Apparently this girl tried out for X Factor but Simon had seen the dancing potential in her and taken her under his wing. She would be taking Maria's spot and whoever this girl was, I needed to thank her.

It was also kind of a bad thing though because we would have to teach them everything from scratch, and we go on tour in a month. Hopefully, there will be enough room on the tour bus to be able to dance while we are on there.

Liam how ever just seems to get worse everyday. No matter how hard anyone tried they couldn't get a smile onto his face. We had all eventually gone to everyone having a 'day' with him to see if they could make him happy in that day. My day with him was tomorrow and Harry was having his day today. Good luck to liam, I can't imagine having to deal with Harry for a whole day.

Though Harry has gotten a bit better. He kind of keeps to himself a bit more now and he finally admitted that I never had meant for Danielle and Liam to break up. Though he was still trying to use his 'charms', as he called them, on me.

Kathy and Niall seemed to become an even better couple everyday. They were so cute together. I almost saw Kathy everyday because they were doing something together. It was so adorable.

Sometimes Cecilia would come along with Kathy but most the time, she let the cute couple have their privacy. After all none of us wanted another brake up, especially after the last one.

Today and tomorrow the dancers had the days off, so I had organized a movie night. That was what Kathy and Cecilia were able to come to.

They had a huge movie theatre in the mansion so that was where we would be. I got every genre of movie, a few movies in each genre and then we could vote for which genre we wanted to watch. I couldn't wait for tonight. Hopefully I could even get started on getting happy Liam back tonight as well.

Right this second I was at the Groceries store getting snacks for tonight. Thinking of what we would need. I kept having to remind myself that dinner would in fact be made for us. I am still not used to that yet.

I was just trying to figure out which lollies to get, standing in front of the masses of lollies when Harry and Liam came running into the store.

I was about to walk over and ask what had happened when a group of screaming, running girls came into view. Guess I don't need to ask.

'Could you please lock the door or something so they can't get in?' Liam was asking the person at the desk and they quickly went into action.

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