The Start of the tour

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katies POV:

1 week later:

I was rushing around in my bedroom going from the wardrobe and to my suitcase over and over again. Hurriedly packing things. 

I had no idea what the tour was going to be like. I've never been on a tour so it was different. But it also meant I had no idea what to pack.

We were leaving in an hour and all that I had packed for the tour was my pajamas and some underwear. 

I went over to my massive wardrobe. We were going all over the world. I had no idea what to pack. I grabbed my dance costumes and chucked them in my mega suitcase. I was going to need them. 

Packing. I hate it. 

I walked back into my wardrobe to find something else to pack when I heard my bedroom door open.

I poked my head out of the wardrobe to see who it was and saw Liam walking towards me.

'Hey' I greeted him and he smiled at me.

'How is packing going?' He asked walking over to me.

'Horribly. I hate packing. I don't even know what to bring' I answered groaning. I walked back into the wardrobe and picked out some t-shirts walking back out towards my suitcase.

'You could always take a break?' Liam suggested and kissed me on the cheek as I chucked the shirts into my bag. I turned and kissed him on the mouth while smiling. But soon enough I broke it off. 

'...Or you could help me' I said and poked him in the stomach before turning away to go back into the wardrobe. Liam just groaned. 

'Your as bad as Niall' He said following me. I piled a whole heap of random clothes into his arms and then grabbed some clothes for myself.

30 minutes later and we had chucked over half of my wardrobe into that bag and were trying to squish it down enough to be able to close it.

Liam was pushing it down while I was trying to zip it up.

'Urgh! I hate packing!' I said annoyed at the zipper for only zipping half up the side of the suitcase. 

'You are going to have to do a lot more of it!' Liam reminded me and I rolled my eyes. 

'Yeah, yeah.' I said and magically the bag zipped up. 'Finally!' Liam just laughed at me. 

The last week Liam and I had sort of fixed things. After the mob had come and I disappeared after he announced that we were together he had come and found me. We discussed what would happen, how we were going to help each other and how we would always be able to be together. He said he would still make it all up to me, I said it wasn't necessary but he insisted. Apparently he has a surprise for me. He has been talking to Kathy a lot more than he usually does. I'm curious but I'll deal because I don't want to ruin his surprise. 

'Are you deaf?' Liam said waving his hand in front of my face. 

'No' I told him. 

'You zoned out for a bit. I thought something was wrong. I was talking to you for like 2 minutes before I realized. You couldn't hear me at all?' He asked looking genuinely worried. 

'No but I was just thinking. I am normal.' I smiled at him. 

'...Okay' He said after staring at me for a bit. 'We better go put our stuff in the car. We leave in 45 minutes'

'Kay. Let's go' I said trying to lift my suitcase. Liam just laughed at me before picking up the suitcase and carrying out of my room. 

I followed him, kind of annoyed I couldn't do anything to help him. 

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