They came back!

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Katie's POV


After the burglar attack happened I have been going to a therapist. We've been trying heaps of different ways for me to get better. I have started hearing a few things but not very much. It gives me hope though that if I go to the therapist when I have gone enough maybe I will have my full hearing. I also went to a session with a doctor and he has issued me hearing aids. I get them in two days. 1 day before I go to Paris. 

The doctor said they wouldn't enable me to hear everything. He just said I would be able to hear a bit better. Just like the therapist lessons have been helping so will the hearing aids. He said with the hearing aids I might be able to dance again. I might be able to hear the beat of the music if it is loud enough. I have hope. 

Two weeks ago I had no hope of getting my hearing back. That burglar meant that I hadn't heard anything he had been doing until I had walked down stairs and saw him. I was pathetic. But now I'm trying. Trying to be the best I can be. 

Danielle had learnt nearly full sign language now. We had been learning it together and now that is how we speak to each other. We don't talk anymore. Liam's doing pretty well with his sign language to. Sometimes he has to talk though but he is getting there. He says the other guys and girls know about the same amount as well. He said that they had to call back Maria (The bitch) back because she was the only one other than Danielle who knew the dances and Danielle was pretty busy. 

They all come home today though. They are finished the England tour. They will be going on the American tour two weeks after we go to Paris. Hopefully by then I will be able to dance for them again. I have my hopes high. 

We are at the air port and everyone around me is standing or sitting still as they look around. I think they are listening to something that I can't hear. Danielle is doing the same thing and after about a minute everyone continued what they were doing. Danielle looked at me and smiled. 

'Sorry, the plane has been delayed for another hour because they have too many planes wanting to use the run way at the same time because some of them left early and some of them left late and if they all go now they will crash so the one with the boys on it is delayed the most for some stupid reason' Danielle signed to me and I nodded. We got some strange looks from people but I don't care. Why did the boys plane have to be delayed so much? Shouldn't they get like priority or something because they are famous? I just want to see liam and feel his arms around me as I hug him. I would have to wait another hour before that happens though. 

'Do you want a coffee?' I signed to Danielle before gesturing to the cafe that was near us. It was pretty late in the after noon and with the boys coming home we would probably be up late tonight. She nodded her head and we both walked over to the cafe. 

'Can I get two white coffee's please? One with sugar thanks' I asked the Barista and he smiled and started saying something. I tried to read his lips but they were moving to fast. 

'What did he say?' I signed to Danielle. 

'How much it is. Don't worry I'll pay' She said and fished the money out of her pocket. She gave it to the Barista and we waited for our coffee's. I felt bad now. She had payed. She is doing so much for me. 

We waited an hour and a half before the boys plane landed. And counted. 

I was anxiously waiting for them to walk through the doors and wave at us. I couldn't wait. It was going to be pretty awkward for Liam and Danielle. It would be the first time seeing each other since their break up. Luckily I won't be able to hear the awkwardness. 

I waited a few minutes before Niall walked through holding Kathy's hand. Then Zayn and Cecilia doing the same. Then Liam, Louis and Harry. Then Jess, Christine and Maria. 

I ran over to Liam and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back. When I broke away he gave me a quick kiss and then I looked at all the others. Maria was talking, giving me a dirty look. The others started talking back to her, angrily. Especially Liam. I could hear his low gowling of his talk in his chest because my ear was against it. His arm around me. 

She must have insulted me or something because Liam was really angry. I just smiled. He was defending me of something that couldn't affect me because I couldn't hear her. 

'Liam. What did she say?' I signed to him. 

'Nothing.' He signed back. 

'Liam it won't matter. I want to talk back to her. Just tell me.' I signed again. I had a plan for what I was going to say. 

'She said that you are pathetic because you can't hear. She said that she got her wish and you weren't able to dance anymore.' Liam signed slowly. I turned around and looked at her. 

'Guess what Maria. You are the pathetic one because all you ever do is put people down because you are worse than them. Just because we are all better than you doesn't mean you have to pretend you are better than anyone else here.' I told her and she gave me a judging look. 

She started talking I just smiled at her and interrupted her. 

'I'm sorry I can't hear your pathetic come back' I said and she just huffed and took off. I put my hand out for a high-five from Liam. He slapped my hand and gave me a smile. 

'Let's go home' Liam signed and we all nodded in agreement. Walking out. Danielle was talking to Louis and Harry happily while the other couples all chatted quietly together. Well for me and Liam we signed to each other. 

We all went in different cars home. I went with Liam and we went to his place where most of my stuff was but the rest was at Danielle's. 

'Why are we all going into our own houses?' I asked in sign language. 

'Because we only get a few weeks holiday and sometimes the boys and I need a break from each other On tour we see each other everyday all day so it's nice sometimes to just spend a bit of time by yourself. Is it okay with Danielle if you move in here? Oh and now the fans don't know where we are. Remember the mob before we left for tour. Well now they don't know so they can't mob our houses.' Liam signed in parts as we walked into his apartment. It was a huge apartment.

'Yeah, she's fine with it. And okay. So it's just gonna be you and me.' I signed back at him smiling. 

'Well yeah. But I want you to meet a few of my other friends. Andy and Maz. You'll like them. They are awesome people. They dance to.' He signed back to me and I layed down on the couch as I watched Liam go into his room and put his suitcase in their before coming back out. 

'We're moving in together. Officially' He signed to me with a smile as he walked over to me and lifted up my legs before sitting down and placing my legs back on his lap.

'We are.' I signed to him. Smiling at him I moved a little closer. We both leaned in and were about to kiss when Liam whipped his head around and listened to something intently. 

'I better go open the door for Dani. She has the rest of your stuff.' He signed before moving from under my legs to go get the door. Danielle came in with a box of my stuff and I went to go help them bring it all in. 

Once we were done I thanked Danielle and she left saying she had a performance tomorrow so she couldn't be tired. It was 9 o'clock now. We had turned the lights on. 

'Do you want dinner?' Liam asked me as he walked to the kitchen, in sign language of course. 

'No. I haven't kissed you in 3 weeks. I want to catch up.' I actually said and I grabbed his hand and dragged him off to his room. 

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