Niall's Girlfriend (Part 2)

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Maria eyed Kathy off. ‘You are Niall’s girlfriend? He could do way better. Like I would be way better than you’ She said rudely.

‘Excuse me Maria? Don’t you dare talk to my girlfriend like that!’ Niall defended Kathy. That is so adorable. Maria needs to be told! I am starting to wish the boys had chosen to get rid of Maria instead of the girl in the pink and white polka dots at the start. Maria’s a bitch. 

 ‘You are saying that my best friend, who is the most amazing person, isn’t as good for Niall as you would be. And I just met you and already know that you are a bitch’ Cecilia snapped at her and Maria looked like she wanted to say something back but Christine cut her off. 

 ‘Um, I-i’m Christine’ Christine muttered. Thankyou Christine! She has perfect timing.

 ‘Nice to meet you Christine’ Kathy said back nicely. Cecilia and Maria just gave each other a glare and looked away. 

 ‘And of course you know all the boys!’ Niall said. It looked like he had just forgotten about what Maria said but we all knew he was just hiding it. 

‘LET’S GO DO SOMETHING FUN!’ Louis screamed.  

‘What are we going to do?’ Kathy asked. 

‘Well I want to see what the girls have done so far and then we could go do something else.’ Liam said smiling at Danielle.

‘Sounds like a plan’ Danielle said smiling back at him. Why do I have to be so jealous? Urgh, I wish I could switch places with Danielle. Everything about her is better then me.  

Harry and Louis shot me a look. I must have been giving Danielle dagger eyes or something. I glared at them. Why did they have to be the one’s to know my secret? They are the one’s most likely to tell someone else. 

All the boys sat down at the table that had been set up from the day of auditions with Kathy on Niall’s lap. They looked to be whispering to each other. What they were whispering? Well I don’t know I wasn’t the one with a boyfriend and sitting on his lap whispering. Unfortunately. 

Danielle motioned for us to take our positions and dance began to take me to another place. One direction and Niall’s girlfriend weren’t sitting in front of me anymore. In the world I was in there was only the music, the other dancers and the moves I knew almost perfectly know.  

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. I counted the beats in my head and did the moves to them swiftly. We were dancing to NaNaNa. Our dance moves all in sync with the other dancers. Just goes to show how great we are.  

‘We’re like NaNaNa’ I hear the music that is my cue to move to my next position. 

Up to the part which we haven’t choreographed yet my head was completely in the music, the dance and only that. Nothing else mattered. We all stopped when we knew there was no more choreography that we had made. 

‘Did you guys like it?’ Christine asks from behind me while puffing a little bit. 

 ‘Yes, Oh my god! You all were SO amazing! I loved it!’ Kathy said smiling brightly at us. Cecilia smiled up at me brightly. 

 ‘You guys really do know how to dance, looked hot while you were doing it too’ Harry said giving his comment. I rolled my eyes. He winked at me and I scrunched my face up and looked away. I DIDN’T LIKE HIM, why didn’t he understand that? 

Louis burst out Laughing. Zayn looked like he was trying to hold in his own laughter. 

 ‘What’s so funny?’ I asked.

 ‘Your...Face...After...He...Winked’ Louis said between his laughter. I wanted so badly to slap that smirk of Harry’s face, but I didn’t because I held myself back. Oh and I still had to get my revenge on Louis for posting that picture. 

‘Okay aside from the extremely annoying four people over there, do you guys want to see any more?’ Maria asked in her annoying know-it-all voice. 

 ‘I don’t think we need to show them anymore. The boys will see when we add them in so we can go have fun now.’ Danielle smiling and taking Liam’s hand. I looked away so hopefully no one would catch my sudden look of jealousy. I was wrong to think I could get away with it. Kathy saw. Crap. 

 ‘So what are we going to do?’ I asked trying to change Kathy’s mind from my look of jealousy to what we were doing. 

‘Well we have a pool here. And Water guns’ Louis said doing a little dance with his eyebrows. 

‘Hey Kathy and Cecilia, did you bring togs?’ I asked her.

 ‘No..’ They said at the same time.  

‘That’s cool, you can borrow a pair of mine’ I offered and she smiled thankfully to me. I motioned for them to follow me and we walked to the room that I shared with Danielle. Danielle came too. 

We walked in and the two girls took in her surroundings. The place was pretty god damn huge. My reaction was the same as theirs when I first walked in. I smirked. I reckon I could get along with them. 

 I walked over to my walk in wardrobe and found my togs. Taking out three bikini’s. I walked back out and Danielle was on her phone. She seriously is always on technology. 

‘Liam says that him, Louis and Harry are going to do something in town. So I am gonna go with them. I’ll see you all later.’ She said before walking out of the room. Oh Jamie. Harry and Louis left with Liam and Danielle. I can only imagine what they are going to be talking about. I just hope those boys don’t spill my secret. 

‘Bye!’ We all yelled out to her. I placed all the bikini’s on my bed.

‘I haven’t worn them so they are new and you can keep them too. Take your pick’ I said smiling at them.

‘Hey  Katie..?’ Kathy asked slowly.

‘Yes?’ I answered as I watched cecilia gush over the bikini’s.

‘Well I love that one but I love that one too! And that one is cute too!’ Cecilia gushed talking about the bikini’s.

‘Cecil! Shut up for a second. I am trying to ask Katie a very important question.’ Kathy said giving her a look.

‘Sorry, sorry...’ Cecilia said and sat down next to the bikini’s to look up at me and Kathy. ‘Go on’

I smiled at Kathy to ask her question.

‘I am only asking this because I saw the look of jealousy on your face before when Danielle and Liam were having a moment... So, do you, um, maybe, like Liam?’ She asked awkwardly. I hoped she wouldn’t ask something like that. I had really hoped she had forgotten about that all together. 

‘Please tell us the truth Katie! We aren’t going to tell anyone!’ Cecilia begged. Could I trust them? I only just met them. They seemed nice, but first impressions can be deceiving. 

‘Um, okay. I-i guess I do..’ I said and looked away.

‘Aw, that is so cute!’ Cecilia gushed and we heard some sort of crash outside our door. Oh my Jamie! I hope no one had been listening in. 

I ran to the door and Kathy and Cecilia ran with me. I opened it and looked down the hall in just enough time to see Danielle’s curly, brown hair go around the corner. Oh crap!

I looked at Kathy and Cecilia. ‘You don’t t-think she heard?’ I stuttered out. I didn’t want to ruin Danielle and Liam’s relationship. I didn’t want to ruin a potential friendship either! Oh god!

‘’ Kathy said nudging cecilia. 

‘No, probably not!’ Cecilia said giving me her best reassuring smile. They thought she had heard. 

‘Why don’t we just go get changed and not keep the boys waiting?’ Kathy said changing the topic and ushering me inside. 

The moment I met you (Liam Payne Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now