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Liam’s POV


‘Liam! Liam!’ Someone was calling my name while knocking on my door vigorously. I had just been setting up for the first part of the plan. I can’t say exactly what that was because I am hiding from everyone. The only people who know are Louis, Harry and soon Simon.

My laptop was wide open with the airplane ticket selection view open but the voice on the door just got more anxious every second I didn’t get to the door. 

I opened it to see Niall standing there. 

‘Come quick’ Was all he said. Why hadn’t he just opened the door? It was his room too. I followed him anyway and he led me to the front door. I could hear screams and yells, everything.

‘What’s going on?’ I asked him.

‘We are being mobbed in our own house’ Niall said looking seriously scared.

‘Oh God. What do they want?’ My eyes widened as I peaked into the window to see the mob. There were fans but there was also paparazzi. Everyone had come out here, they had found out where we lived. 

‘No clue. All I can hear is crazy screaming and yelling.’ Niall answered dragging me away again.

‘Where are we going?’ I wondered out loud. Niall didn’t answer, he just kept walking full speed ahead. 

We walked into the living room and Zayn, Katie, Louis, Harry, Christine, Jess and some of our management were already in here. 

‘Finally. Now we have to think of a plan for what we are going to do with this huge mob.’ One of the management announced. 

‘What’s the plan?’ Zayn asked literally like 2 seconds after the guy from management had finished. 

‘Now. You boys can go out on the second floor balcony and talk to them. Answer a few questions because that’s what the paps want and the fans just want you to see them so smile and wave. Only a few and don’t say anything new. Except what is needed. Then you come back in here after asking them to leave. If they aren’t gone by tomorrow at 9am then we will be reallocating to a different place. Not sure where just yet but we have till tomorrow morning. Okay, get out there!’ The same guy explained and we all started rushing up towards the second floor of the house. 

‘Do I have to go out there?’ Niall whined and I gave him a hug.

‘I’ll be beside you the whole time mate.’ I comforted him and we walked out onto the balcony. We had two speakerphone’s with us too. The girls stayed in the room that had the balcony attached to it and the management came out with us. 

‘HEY ALL!’ Louis screamed into the speakerphone so he could be heard. 

‘WE HAVE A FEW MINUTES NOW TO ANSWER SOME OF YOUR QUESTIONS AND SAY HELLO BUT THIS IS OVERLY CREEPY AND WE WOULD LIKE YOU GUYS TO LEAVE ONCE WE HAVE. OUR HOME IS OUR PRIVACY AND WE WOULD LIKE TO KEEP THAT’ I shouted into the speakerphone I was holding and the crowd quieted down. Harry was waving at fans making a few scream where ever his waves were at. Niall was standing there, almost shaking. I handed the speakerphone to Harry so I could comfort Niall while Zayn took the speakerphone from Louis and started speaking.

‘I think everyone agrees with Liam. We would appreciate it if there were no more people turning up to our house. We do need privacy. Now while you are all here, any questions?’ Zayn said into the speakerphone. He didn’t need to yell because they weren’t as loud now even though they were still going crazy. 

‘Niall! We recently saw you with a young girl! Who is she?’ One of the paps screamed. I patted Niall on the shoulder, comforting him while I stole the speakerphone back from Harry and gave it to Niall. 

‘Uh, Her name... Her name is Kathy...’ Niall said awkwardly and quietly into the speakerphone.

‘She is really nice and a stylist for us. She recently got the job and Niall and Kathy are happy together.’ Zayn said into the speakerphone he had. 

‘We would appreciate if no hate was given to her’ Harry said stealing the speakerphone from Zayn. 

‘What about Harry, Liam and that Dancer chick?’ Someone else yelled, Harry and I glanced at eachother. Niall handed the speakerphone. 

‘Katie is my girlfriend. I asked her the other night and she agreed. Harry is just jealous because I got her and he didn’t.’ I announced into the speakerphone. 

‘Not true’ Harry said with a clenched jaw. 

‘Zayn I love you! Can you have my children?!’ Some fan yelled and we all laughed. 

‘Unfortunately Zayn can’t actually have children. He isn’t a woman’ I chuckled into the speakerphone. 

‘Plus, I think I am already falling for someone’ Zayn said stealing the speakerphone back from Harry. 

‘Ooooh! Who do you guys think the lucky girl is?’ Louis squealed stealing the speaker phone from me. 

‘Well it isn’t you Lou. Sorry.’ Zayn snapped and Louis looked smug.

‘Is it one of the dancers?’ Someone from the crowd yelled.

‘It is. But that is all I can say.’ Zayn answered. 

‘Aw, come on Zaynie. Give us some details’ Louis whined, saying the thought every fan out there was thinking.

‘No. My privacy’ He said giving the speakerphone to Harry and walking back into the house. 

‘Sorry Zayn likes his privacy’ Harry said and the crowd moaned. 

‘That’s all we have time for but we leave on a good note and we hope that you do to. This is our place and we would appreciate it if you could give us the privacy of our home’ Louis said and we all started walking away. Waving, smiling, blowing kisses as we went.

Once we got inside I found that all the girls were there except Katie. That was the first public announcement that we were together and she wasn’t here. 

‘Where’s Katie?’ I asked immediately. 

‘She left after you talked.’ Jess answered me and I just felt defeated. I wanted to talk to her but she probably didn’t want to talk. 

‘I don’t care. We don’t know who told everyone where we live. Who would give that information away?’ A member of management demanded. I thought for a second and came to my conclusion. I knew exactly who would have given the information away. 

‘Lexis.’ I said and everyone looked at me.

The moment I met you (Liam Payne Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now