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Katie's POV

I'll be honest here, I slept in. I am like half an hour late for dancing.

I raced out of bed, got dressed quickly, skipped breakfast and hurried towards the dance studio.

I walked into the studio and no one was there except Jess.

'You are here now. Finally, just let me text Cecilia.' Jess said when she saw me.

'Where is everyone?' I asked.

'Oh, right, sorry. The boys had a photoshoot and then we have a photoshoot straight after them with them. They wanted one with the dancers of the show. Anyways the boys had to leave early to have their make up and hair done for their earlier shoot so Cecilia and Christine went with them. I said I would hang around and wait for you. But we will only just get there on time for make up and hair, so let's go' Jess rushed and started pulling on my arm to get me moving. I followed her out to the driveway and a driver was already waiting there.

Jess hopped into the ecar and I followed. I looked out the window while we drived. Finding it quite interesting seeing I didn't know exactly where we were going.

'I heard that you made Danielle break up with Liam' Jess started and I sighed.

'I didn't. I may have influenced her decision by her finding out that I liked him but I wasn't all like "YOOU BREAK UP WITH HIM OR I WILL DESTROY YOUR LIFE", I was normal. I actually didn't want them to break up. They were perfect.'I explained to Jess and she nodded. Thankfully she wasn't going to dig any further on the subect...Hopefully.

'What about you kissing Harry? And then with Liam in front of the phone box, which I must say is incredibly cute!' Jess fangirled sort of. How did she know like everything about me?

'Oh, the kiss with Harry was a dare in truth or dare. I don't like Harry. He is annoying and very dirty minded. And the day Liam and I took that photo was the best day of my life. You see after Danielle broke up with Liam he was sad for weeks and by the third week we had all had enough. So we decided to haave a day with him each. Now on my day we went sight seeing and then saw a musical and let me tell you, it was romantic, fun, he was adorable , a gentleman and I couldn't have asked for a better day. Plus, I was the first one to make him smile' I explained again, my mind replaying that day while I smiled like an idiot.

'Sounds magical' Jess murmured sounding like she was in a dream of her own.She quickly snapped out of it though and looked at me.

'Did you hear about what happened last night?' She asked staring at me intently.

'' I said awkwardly.

'Liam brought a girl home. He went clubbing last night with Harry and instead of Harry bringing some girl home, Liam did!' She fangirled and I felt a pang of jealousy go through my heart. I though we were getting somewhere.

'How do you know that?' I murmured, hardly able to speak.

'Because I am rooming with Christine and our room is right next to Liam and Niall's. Niall was chucked out of the room.' She rushed and I had to put my hand up in a stop sign to let myself process it all.

After a few minutes I was able to speak again. 'But she went home this morning right?' I squeaked hoping it was a one night stand.

'Nope! She is at the photoshoot. I haven't even met her yet. I wonder what she looks like' Jess started babbling on and I just put my head in my hands. I thought he liked me...


Liam's POV


We were posing for a group photo with all the boys. The dancers would be on in 20 minutes to get their photo taken with us. It was for the fabulous magazine. They wanted the dancers in it because apparently there is a lot of drama around hem that we were going to get asked about.

The moment I met you (Liam Payne Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now