A day with Liam

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Katie's POV


I woke up forgetting that Liam was beside me. I only realized when I turned in my position and realised that someone's arms were around me. I stopped immediately and tried not to wake him up. He looked adorable while he was sleeping.

Though my mind couldn't remember what had happened last night. I was asleep so of course I didn't remember. Though I was fully clothed and Liam looked to be fully clothed so that was a good sign.

I reached into my pocket and felt my phone. I looked at the time. 6.30. No wonder Liam was still asleep.

This was usually when I had to be up to go to dancing. No dancing today though, I remembered. It was my day with Liam.

We obviously didn't get much sleep last night because I fell asleep after The Hunger Games and that was around 2.30am.

I remember falling asleep on Liam's shoulder but I don't remember anything else, well because I was asleep.

I made up my mind to go back to sleep, the warmth of Liam's arms around me helped a lot and soon enough, after snuggling into Liam's arms, I was asleep again.


'Boom, Boom, Boom, Take that, Boom, Boom, Boom' I woke up to hear. It wasn't my phone so what was it. Liam woke up a few seconds later and brought his own phone out and stopped the noise.

'Morning' Liam muttered in a still sleepy voice with a apologetic face.

'Morning.' I said and smiled at him. His arms had fallen from around me so I scurried out of the bed. Checking my phone for the time. 9.00. I had successfully slept in!

'Come on Liam. You have to go get ready for today' I said when he groaned from waking up and buried his face in his pillow.

'It's only 9. We have all day.' He murmured into the pillow.

'The earlier we leave the more we can do' I reasoned and hit him with another pillow. He looked up to glare at me.

'Fine...' He groaned and slowly got out of the bed.

'See you soon. I'll come get you from your room.' I announced as he left the room. Once he had left I went to the shower to get myself ready for the day.

***Liam's POV***

I sadly left Katie's room after she kind of kicked me out. It felt so good to be able to cuddle with her.

I knocked on the door to Niall and My room. Hoping Kathy and Niall hadn't done anything. Kathy answered the door, fully clothed, thank god.

'Hey guys.' I greeted them and Niall just groaned from his position in the bed. I walked in and smiled at Kathy

'Where were you all night?' She asked curiously and I walked over to my wardrobe. So that I wouldn't have to make eye-contact while I answered.

'With Katie.' I answered after a pause and Niall shot up into a sitting position.

'Oooh. With Katie.' He repeated.

'Yeah...' I muttered grabbing clothes to wear for the day.

'What happened?' Kathy asked.

'Oh, nothing. We just slept.' I answered and walked over to the bathroom.

'Oh, really? Anything else?' Niall drilled me. I smiled at him, knowing what he was thinking.

'No Niall. Nothing else. Just sleep.' I said in a mocking voice.

'Whatever Liam. I know what really happened' Niall teased and I shook my head and closed the door to the bathroom. Locking it.

The moment I met you (Liam Payne Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now