Danielle & Liam

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Katie’s POV

Once I left Harry and Louis’ room I managed to get lost. This place was so huge. 

I was walking down the hall when someone opened a door and crashed straight into me. I fell down to the ground holding my head. 

Who was that?

‘Oh my gosh! Are you okay?’ Said a very familiar and welcome voice. I looked up to see Liam crouched down beside me with a very worried look on his face. 

‘Oh...yeah. I’m fine. I was just lost, surprised and clumsy I guess.’ I said laughing at myself. I blushed. Oh, Liam made me go crazy.

‘I’m so sorry. Here let me help you up.’ He gushed and helped me back on my feet. 

‘It’s okay. It wasn’t your fault.’ I said still blushing. I looked down so that I could hide my blush when he looked at me. 

‘Aw, you are so adorable when you blush.’ He said smiling so cutely at me. 

‘Oh, uh, thanks...’ I said sheepishly.

‘Hey, I’m going to see Danielle. I‘ll walk you back to your room if that is where you are going.’ He said and we started walking. Right, I had nearly forgotten the whole ‘he has a girlfriend’ situation.

We walked in silence. Mainly because I didn’t really want to talk because I would probably end up spilling all my feelings and that wouldn’t end well. 

We arrived at the door and I let us in. Danielle was laying on her bed on her laptop typing furiously. 

I went to find a change of clothes to have a shower but I would forever be distracted by Liam.

‘Hey babe.’ Liam said and laid beside Danielle. Danielle didn’t stop typing even when he kissed her cheek and wrapped his arm around her. What I wouldn’t give for him to do that to me. 

‘Hey Liam. I am really busy with extra work at the moment for X factor so if you wouldn’t mind going.They need me to help choreograph the next dance for break even. And they really need the moves in order and sent off to them by midnight tonight so I am sorry but you need to go.’ She said still typing. I would have stopped. But I guess that is me. 

‘Okay, okay. Just wanted to come say hi anyway. See you both tomorrow.’ He said sounding defeated. 

‘Bye Li’ Danielle replied still not looking away from her screen. 

‘Bye Katie!’ He said smiling at me from across the room.

‘Bye Liam’ I answered flashing him a smile back. 

Liam walked out of the room and shut the door behind him. 

‘Hey Roomie. You are a really good dancer, I know that from watching you at the audition.’ Danielle said finally looking up from her computer. I blushed. 

‘Hey, uh, Thanks, you are pretty amazing yourself. I know that from seeing you at the olympics and on X Factor and so on.’ I complemented back. I really did admire though. Her dance work was really something to look up to.

‘Aw, You are so sweet. I’m sorry about Liam. He can be a bit annoying sometimes.’ She apologized doing hand motions to get the message across. 

‘No need to apologize. Liam is really kind’ I said giving her a small smile. I didn’t exactly want to say anything else, otherwise she might pick up on my feelings. 

‘Haha thanks. Sometimes he can be but he is super great. I love him to death.’ She gushed.

‘Yeah. I’m sure you do. I’m gonna have a shower now.’ I excused myself from the talk about the guy I was pretty sure I liked a lot with his girlfriend. Thing could have only gotten worse in that situation.

‘Sure thing. I actually do have to get back to work.’ She said and started typing again.

I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I let out a huge sigh. I managed to make Danielle like me. Well at least I thought she liked me. That was a good start. Maybe having the constant reminder of Liam’s girlfriend will help me get over my feelings. 

Whatever happens with my feelings, I don’t want to be the person to tear apart such a great couple. 

They love each other. He doesn’t love me. 

With that I had my shower and when I came out. I didn’t talk to Danielle who was still typing furiously on her laptop. I went straight to bed. Tomorrow was going to bring a whole new challenge and I knew it. I had a feeling it had something to do with Harry and Louis because they now knew my feelings.

Oh god.

The moment I met you (Liam Payne Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now