Breakup drama

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Katie’s POV

‘Katie...Cecilia and I have to go because it is 4pm and yeah. Niall’s going to take us but will you be okay?’ Kathy asked in the sweetest voice. Zayn had gone to try and find Louis and Harry while Niall, Kathy and Cecilia had stayed with me. 

At first Niall was really surprised when he figured out what Danielle had meant. So had Zayn but they got over it after a while. I had no idea what Danielle and Liam were doing right now but I knew that their fight was partly my fault. 

My fault because Danielle had found out by over hearing me talking about it. My fault because she had acted on it. My fault because I tore apart a perfect couple. I wish I had never auditioned right now but then I again I took that back. 

‘I’ll be fine...I guess I have to face her sooner or later’ I whimpered and nodded at Kathy. 

‘Okay. Give me your number and I’ll call you or text’ She said and I smiled at her. We swapped phone’s and I put my number in her phone.

‘Can I have yours too Cecilia?’ I asked and we swapped phone’s as well once Kathy and I were finished. 

‘Now we all just need a photo!’ Kathy said and we all got together and she took the photo with her phone. 

‘Could you send that to me?’ I asked her and she nodded. 

‘Okay bye! Also you and Niall are super adorable!’  I said and gave Kathy a hug. Once we broke apart I hugged Cecilia as well and then they left. I slipped my board shorts on over my bikini bottoms so I didn’t feel so bare. 

I walked slowly to my room and was surprised when I saw Liam just standing there. Just standing at the door as if if he stared at it long enough it would open. 

‘Liam? Are you okay?’ I asked slowly as I walked closer. He turned to me and it looked like he had been crying. 

‘Katie? Sh-she broke up with me’ He said defeated. 

‘I know...Are you okay though?’ I asked with a look of concern.

‘C-can I have a hug’ He asked and I walked over to him. I gave him the hug that he had wanted but when I tried to break apart from it he held me there. 

‘Is it true what Dani said about you?’ He whispered in my ear. 

‘Depends what she said about me’ I answered.

‘About you...liking me...?’ He whispered.

‘Um...yeah...’ I said awkwardly and squirmed out of the hug. 

‘But I never wanted you and Danielle to break up’ I said before turning and trying to get into my room. It was locked. I should have known. 

‘I don’t think she will open it for anyone’ Liam said from behind me. I turned around to see him with tears in his eyes but they hadn’t spilled over his cheeks yet.

‘I understand if she won’t let me in. She did all this because of me’ I said and looked at the ground, suddenly really interested in my shoes. 

‘No, she didn’t. You were only one thing out of many that she said was the reason she was breaking up with me’ He told me. Just then Harry came around the corner and gave Liam a death glare. Thank Jamie he came just then, I was feeling pretty uncomfortable with Liam having tears in his eyes and telling me about Danielle when he knew I liked him. 

‘Liam you should go’ Harry said sternly. Liam nodded and finally looked away from me. 

Liam walked slowly away from me and past Harry who stood there giving him a look that to me was unreadable.

Once Liam was out of earshot Harry turned to me. 

‘You made a bit of a mess here Katie’ Harry warned me. 

‘I didn’t want that’ I said and took a step back towards my door. 

‘I figured.’ He said smirking at me. ‘Do you have a plan to fix it?’

‘I didn’t have a plan to break it in the first place’ I answered. Something was up with him. 

‘I think you did.’ He said widening his smirk before turning and walking down the hall away from me. I watched him as he went and just before he was out of view he turned to look at me. He winked and blew me a kiss before continuing his departure. God he could be creepy sometimes. 

I knocked on the door gently. ‘Danielle, it’s me. I’m so sorry!’ I called through the door and I heard. 

‘Go away!’ Danielle called back.

‘It’s my room too! Come on, Danielle. I didn’t want this to happen!’ I answered hoping she would at least open the door. 

I heard movement on the other side and then the door unlocking. Danielle opened it and the sight of her broke my heart. She had tears falling down her face and I felt so horrible. 

‘Get some stuff and leave.’ She said and turned around walking back to her bed.

I walked in and gathered some clothes and my phone. I was about out walk back out but at the last second I turned around to look at Danielle. 

‘I never wanted you to break up with him. You guys were so perfect. You still are. You get to choose if you keep him or leave him though. I don’t have a say in your relationship. I wasn’t ever going to act on my feelings. You can still have him, Danielle. I can’t fix this. Only you can’ I said before walking out to find someone else’s room to sleep in for the night. 

Danielle POV

She was about to walk out of the room when all of a sudden Katie turned back around to look at me. 

‘I never wanted you to break up with him. You guys were so perfect. You still are. You get to choose if you keep him or leave him though. I don’t have a say in your relationship. I wasn’t ever going to act on my feelings. You can still have him, Danielle. I can’t fix this. Only you can’ She told me before turning again and walking out of the room, shutting the door on her way. 

Once she was gone her words sunk in. Everything she had told me was so annoying to me. Even after I had broken things off with Liam so that he could have someone who really deserved him, she still didn’t take the chance. She had only told me to fix things. 

Why doesn’t she get it? I get why I don’t deserve the most amazing guy in the world. That was why I didn’t want to quit dancing because then at least I would be able to see him, but I always blew him off. I gave him a whole heap of crap he didn’t deserve and Katie wouldn’t give that to him. 

That’s why I did it. Because he deserves better than me. I would fix it but I don’t think I can and I know because of one word that if I don’t she will. 

Wasn’t going to act in my feelings.’ I whispered to myself, quoting what Katie had said. 

The moment I met you (Liam Payne Love Story) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now