Niall's girlfriend (part 1)

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Katie’s POV

I woke up to see Danielle on her laptop again. Either she hadn’t gone to sleep or she had just woken up or something.

‘Oh good you are awake. I was just about to wake you up. You have 40 minutes until our dance practice starts so be ready in 35 minutes. Also you and Harry are so adorable in that photo!’ Danielle gushed excitedly and I raised my eyebrows at the last part.

‘What picture?’ I asked curiously. She just looked at me like I was an alien. She waved me over to her.

‘Look. It is all over twitter. Louis posted it.’ She said so happily. It was the picture of me and Harry kissing when we had been playing truth or dare that Louis had taken. 

‘Oh My Jamie! I can’t believe he put that on twitter!’ I said angrily. 

“‘Why ‘Oh my Jamie?’” She asked looking at me weirdly. 

‘Oh it is an inside joke with my friends back at my old public school. It was hilarious at the time and I guess I just got into the habit of saying it.’ I explained forgetting about the picture for a second.

‘Makes sense.’ She simply said and went back to scrolling through twitter.

‘Just so you know, I don’t like Harry’ I said hovering a bit. 

‘Whatever you say’ She answered with a smirk.

‘I am going to kill Louis!’ I said frustrated and went to have my shower. 

15 minutes later I was out of the shower and fully dressed ready for a day of dancing. I walked out and looked around.

‘Do we get breakfast?’ I asked Danielle who was also now dressed ready for dancing.

‘Oh yeah. if you had woken up earlier like say around 5.45 then they have food in the kitchen for us, we aren’t allowed in the kitchen after 6.15 so yah. But we have little fruit salads and muesli’s in the mini fridge if you want them.’ Danielle explained pointing to the mini fridge.

‘Oh okay thanks’ I said as I walked over to the mini fridge and got a muesli and yoghurt pack. 

I sat down on the couch in our room as I ate it. My phone was laying on the couch and I picked it up.

3 texts. One from my only real friend Grace. Two from my back stabbing friend Rachel.

Grace: Oh my Jamie! You know One Direction?! You kissed Harry?! You have to tell me all the deets. Call me soon!

Rachel: You kissed Harry Styles?! You must f***ing introduce me to him. If you don’t I will do something you won’t like.

You better f***ing answer me now. I need to meet One Direction and YOU know them there for HAVE to introduce me.

Who does she even think she is? Rachel was always such a bitch at the poor public school I went to. Not particularly to me but to everyone else. When she realized that I wasn’t popular enough for her that was when the bitchiness turned towards me. She always tried to much and was so full of herself. I hate her. She was my best friend but she decided that because I hadn’t had a boyfriend yet in year 9. That was when I found Grace. She was so nice and as I got to know her I liked her more and more. She was hilarious and she was a great pick up when you were down. Trust me, she could get super crazy sometimes but I still love her. She helped me get through the rest of high school and I owe her so much. 

Grace, I was going to call but Rachel, she would live without it. I don’t believe Rachel deserves anything from me. 

I texted Grace back quickly as I finished my muesli. 

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