Chapter 33.

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After a hour drive, we parked the Benz in the airport parking lot and boarded American Airlines. We sat in the first class section sipping champagne and listening to music, things were feeling good all the way to where ever we were going.

When we landed I was well rested. I had slept most of the trip. I don't know how long we were on the plane nor where I was. I just knew it was a long ride.

Once we exited the plane and got our bags together the airport limo took us to this nice hotel.

We were greeted at the door and up into this moment I had no clue where I was. "Welcome to Purto Vartara, Mexico."

It was so beautiful inside the hotel. I'd never seen anything look this good. It looked like something straight out of a magazine.

We took the elevator upstairs to our room. Nolan walked ahead of me with his bags. I strolled behind him still amazed.

It had been awhile since I'd been out of town. I forgot how much the world had to offer. I was excited to be here.

We reached our room and went inside. I looked around for the bed room and as I entered the Devil was exiting.

"Nolan!" We both yelled simultaneously.

I didn't take my eyes off her. The women that had accused me of killing her son. Hmp.

She folded her arms looking me up and down. Nolan came over smiling. He gave his Mother a hug and she gladly accepted rolling her eyes at me.

With her it was always a competition, she acted as if I was suppose to fight with her for Nolan. She could have him I didn't want him.

"Surprise." I continued glaring at her as I spoke to Nolan.

"Had I known she was coming I would've stayed at home." I spoke through clenched teeth making every word loud and clear.

"Nolan can pay for you a flight to go home. Hell, matter of fact let me do the honors." She began rummaging through her Versace hand bag.

"Mom you said you'd be nice." Nolan whined like a little boy.

"If the hoe wants to leave let her go." She spat.

I couldn't even get mad about it. I just laughed. Just for that I was staying. I grabbed my suitcase brushing past her and going into the bed room.

I wasn't about to argue with a woman twice my age. I would've thought she'd had grew up by now but I suppose some things never change.

Nolan and his mother passed words back and forth, while I put my clothes and shoes up. I used the dresser and closet space that was provided in the large room.

It took a while to unpack but I finally finished. Nolan entered the room.

"I'm sorry Denise. I didn't think she'd act that way." He sat down on the bed looking exhausted.

It brought back a memory to our wedding day.

I had just placed my veil over my face. I couldn't believe this was about to happen, especially with everything that had happened this week. Sitting in front of the mirror I almost cried. I was about to marry this man that I loved so much and he loved me back. I kept it together. I didn't want to mess up my make-up.

I heard the door shut and I turned around. Nolan came into view. He smiled as he looked at me but it was a weary smile. I could tell, he too was drained from everything that happened this week but something else was wrong. He couldn't hide it from me, I knew it exactly where it hurt.

"You look beautiful." I blushed. Nolan came closer cupping my face in his hands. He used one to tuck the lose strand of hair behind my ear.

A feeling came over my body, an overwhelming feeling. It was like butterflies in my stomach. Nolan had this effect on me. Any little thing he did got me hot.

"Thank you. But what's wrong?"

Nolan sighed. "Nothing baby."

I stared at him for seemed like a long time. I didn't have to talk for him to understand what I was trying to say in words what my look said.

He pulled up a chair and sat down so I sat back down as well following his lead. His head hung low but I still understood every painful word that came out of his mouth, although for me it was music to my ears, however Nolan's pain made me feel so disappointed and let down, as if he was speaking about my very family.

"My mom isn't here and she's not coming." Nolan was a Mama's boy so for him this was a hard pain to swallow. I was silent because I didn't know what to say. I couldn't make her come. After all I was the very reason she wasn't coming.

"I'm sorry bab-" He cut me off while trying to give him my condolences.

"Denise, I love you a lot and I love my mom too, but I won't choose sides between you too. Today is our wedding day and we're getting married because I only want to marry you, nobody else but you. So if my mom can't accept it today she'll have to accept it one day."

Even though he wasn't 'picking sides' I still felt like I had won. He obviously made it clear to his mother that him and I were going to be together. Seeing as she is very submissive and always wants things her way this was very typical of her. However, I was going to take all the pain away from Nolan. I loved him more than I've loved anyone. He made me feel so welcomed in his heart. How could I not return the love?

Snapping out of my flash back, Nolan laid across the bed. His head rested in my lap. I began stroking my hands through his hair as he looked up at me with his brown eyes. I redid my return the look, instead I looked away. He was admiring me with his eyes, a look I knew all to well.

"Sometimes I wonder what things would be like if I never got involved with them."

I knew who he was referring to. Them being the bad guys, they were my worst nightmares.

"If I would've stayed and you would've had our child. You wouldn't be stressing or even working right now and to top it all off you'd still be my wife."

I was surprised he remembered. That was one thing I always loved about him. His ability to remember things I said.

Then the thought of our unborn child brought questions to mind. I always wanted to have Nolan's child way back when. I wonder what he or she would look like or even sound like. I admit I always hoped the baby inherited Nolan's dimples and beautiful smile.

I was smiling and I couldn't hide it.

"You know I still love you, right? I never stopped loving you."

"I know." And that I did know.

"I'm glad you forgave me and that we could at least be good friends."

"Me too."

"So good friend what do you say about going out to the beach?"

My eyes lit up like a little kid in a candy store. I didn't mind at all. Nolan knew I loved the beach .


In a matter of seconds I went from being extremely dry to very wet. Nolan had swooped me up after I built a sand castle that was way better than his and tossed me in the water. I came back up and he was laughing historically.

"I chased after him and when I caught him I attempted to drag his to the water but I tripped and we ended up collapsing on one another.

This only made us laugh harder. Nolan being the character he is he stopped laughing and lightly pushed me off him. I got up still laughing, he swiftly placed a kiss on my cheek and went right back to running as I chased him.

"Catch me if you can I'm the gingerbread man!" He screamed.

I never caught him but we had an amazing time at the beach. It was like the good old days.

I go missing on y'all a lot. Sorry guys.

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