Chapter 24.

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Completed chapter. Nine more chapters of this story.


We stood up and walked over a few feet away We saw a white man holding up the sign with my last name on it.


As We walked over to him some one ran into me.

Knocking my phone out my hands. He reached down and picked it up.

I stood shocked in place not knowing what to think. I felt like I was going to faint. My feet almost lost balance and my mind went blank.

I must've been having a bad dream because there was no way on God's green earth I was seeing Nolan in front of me right now.

"D- Denise." His voice hadn't changed. It was still as deep as I remembered and smooth. He smiled brightly showing all his gorgeous teeth.

"Damn he fine as hell in person." Ty blurted. I don't know if she meant to say that out loud of if she was thinking it. Either way she said it.

This was to much to process right now. It was also sort of unbelivable.I knew he was alive and that he was soon to be coming back but I don't know. I suppose I wasn't ready. Not now.

I reached for my phone and he pulled it back so I couln't reach it. My ringtone started going off. It was No Love with August and Nicki, so that meant August was calling. Nolan wasted no time answering.

"Nolan here."

I snatched the phone and hung up. I grabbed my bags and brushed passed Nolan pissed. The driver put my bags in the trunk while I got in the car and Ty slid in behind me.

As soon as the driver started the car my phone started ringing again. It was August calling back.

I blew out a frustrated sigh. "Hi."

"Who da fuq was dat'?" His accent was thick when he got mad. It was sexy. I almost forgot why I was mad.


"Nah. I ain't ask dat'. Yo ex Nolan?"

"Yes, but Aug-" The line went dead. I tried calling back but it went straight to voicemail.

I suppose he was angry about Nolan answering the phone. Oh well. Now was not the time to deal with that. I honestly had bigger things to worry about. The whole ride to Ty's house I couldn't stop thinking about Nolan.

It was all so unexpected.  I was becoming angry. How dare he just pop up like this? Sure enough I knew he was coming back I just...  I don't know. This was hard for me.

I was stuck between wanting to forgive and love him and wanting to be done with him. I knew this would happen. I knew I'd go back on my word of wanting nothing to do with him the moment I saw him.

This was the man I'd spent almost four years of my life with and I'd known him for eight. He was my first love, my first everything. Despite the fact he lied to me and deeply hurt me my heart still wanted him. The feelings I thought I'd lost had now came back to taunt me.


"Her ex husband answered the phone?" Travis asked while smacking on his third plate of food.

I ain't even feel like answering him. I sat in the lawn chair outside smoking my blunt. It wasn't calming me down. The more I sat there and smocked my blunt the angrier I got.

I got up putting my blunt out and leaving it in the ash tray. Any other time I would take it so nobody else smocked my shit but now I ain't give a fuck. I went back in the house to pack my shit. I was headed back to Atlanta the next fight I got. I know Denise and I weren't officially dating but I sill had rights.

I liked her a lot. I was feeling her and I'd be damned if I let another nigga have her. Let alone her ex nigga. He had his chance and he fucked up. It was my turn now and I was playing my cards right.

I entered my room packing my clothes. As soon as I landed in Atlanta I was going to pay this nigga a visit where ever the hell he was I was gone find him and let him know I was serious about Denise and him or nobody was going to destroy what I had with her ova these last few months.

"Uncle Aug why you packing?" Kay came into the room and sat down on the bed.

I was so damn angry I had forgot about leaving the girls.

"I got to go." I stopped packing to sit down with Kay. "I love y'all and I'm gone be back real soon I promise."

Kay held out her pinky and we locked pinkies.

"I'm gone miss you."

I picked her up seating her on my lap. I gave her a kiss on the cheek. I was going to miss my girls too. I loved them and I needed to spend a lot of time with them.


I dialed the number I knew all to well for the first time in a few months. I didn't want to call but I had to. I needed to.

I hit call and slowly put my phone up to my ear. I had never been so nervous in my life. The line went straight to voicemail.

It's August. I can't reach ya' right na' but I'll return yo call if I want lata'.

I huffed throwing the phone across the room. Tears streamed down my face as I struggled to catch my breath. Ugh! Why me? Why was this happening to me?

I really needed him right now and the least he could do was pick up the damn phone. Fuck it. I was leaving soon anyway and I didn't need August. I didn't need anyone. Just me, myself, and I.

Who y'all think Annon is? What August got to say to Nolan? Y'all think that's a good idea or trouble waiting to happen? Denise confused or nah? 

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