Chapter 14.

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Waiting for Saturday to come was like waiting for your high school crush to like you back. I thought this day would never come. I was so excited, I hadn't been on a date in forever. I was sure to have a great time tonight with August.

He had texted me earlier telling me to dress casual so I was really anxious to know where we were going. I rushed home from work and showered and did everything I needed to do and now I was fully dressed (outfit in m/m) waiting for August. It was going on 9 so he would be here soon.

Knock. Knock.

I hopped up off the couch rushing to the door. I swung it open revealing Ty.

"Aw, you look good." I shut the door feeling disappointed but it opened and August and Sneak came in.

"Your here." I ran over to August giving him a big hug I was excited to see him. I really just wanted to go on this date.

"Damn, she wants the D and y'all ain't even left yet."

I let go of August and glared at Sneak. "You ready ta go, I see."

"I told you I would be." I smiled proudly. "I'm not always late."

"You look good."

I blushed and smiled. "Thank you. You look very handsome yourself."

"Denise stop being so damn formal."

"Shut up. Why are y'all here?" I asked Ty. I remember August saying he didn't want them going with us.

"I tried to make them stay but they wouldn't."

"I wasn't missing going t-" Sneak covered Ty's mouth.

"Where we going?"

"Don't worry about it. Y'all ready ta' ride?"

We all nodded our heads leaving out the house.

I don't know if it was just me or if the ride was taking a hell of a long time. "Are we there yet?" I asked.

"Yeah, actually we is." August pulled up in this parking lot. I saw a lot if other people and a building. I closed my eyes hopping this wasn't what I thought it was.

"Please tell me we are not at Netherworld?" I hated haunted houses with a passion and from what I had heard Netherworld was one of the top scariest along with Universal studios.

"Bitch get out the car." Ty said.

I shook my head looking up at August. "What about Six Flags? I would rather be at Fright Fest." 

"I was gone take you there but I ain't know you had to be there before 8 but I'll take you soon. I promise."

"You better because this is terrible."

"It ain't gone be dat' bad. I'm here." August laughed at his own joke making me roll my eyes. But that actually was true. I was thankfully it wasn't just me with those two freaks. I opened my door getting out the car and I shut it behind me. August locked the doors and we all started walking to the building.

All of a sudden this dude with a chain saw runs up behind us and Ty and Sneal both screamed like two little girls. I was frightened but I just covered my mouth. Ty and Sneak continued running ahead of us and the guy with the chain saw followed them and a clown who came out of no where.

"I ain't know niggas was gon' be running up on me in the parking lot."

"Me either. That shit kinda scared me."

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