Chapter 29.

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Since August had been gone I had been missing him a lot. I mean after our beautiful date and the love making session we had, he made it very hard for me to say good bye to him. Every second of the day I was thinking about him. It had gotten so bad I could hardly focus on my work. 

Here I was at work know thinking of him. I was wondering what he was doing right now at this exact second. Was he getting dressed? Was he doing a interview? Was he meeting fans? So many questions wandered through my mind. It had been nearly two weeks and August was suppose to be coming back soon, later on this week to be exact.

My phone started ringing removing me from my thoughts. I immedately picked it up. August was face timing me. His face popped up on the screen and I began chessing hard from ear to ear. 

"August." I squeled. I sounded like a little girl but I didn't care. 

He didn't look as happy as he ususally did to see me. He was smiling but it wasn't a big smile. 

"What's wrong?" I asked. I could feel something wasn't right.

"I know I told you that I would only be gone for two weeks but I just found out today I have other business to handle."

"Oh." I was a little bit upset but I wasn't tripping. "It's fine so you'll be gone another week or so?"

"Something like that."

"What do you mean?" I asked, August was beating around the bush and he didn't usually do this. He was a pretty straight forward person.

"Two more months." 

Well damn. I wasn't expecting that. My smile turned into a deep frown. A whole two months without August. I mean I expected it but not so soon. Silence took over.

"Are you mad at me?" August asked after awhile.

I shook my head. "Ofcourse I'm not mad at you. I understand that you have to do what you have to do. No matter how long your gone I'll still be here waiting for you."

"And that's why I love you."

"I love you too Aug-." I was cut off by Ty barging in my office.

"Ms. Wallace you have a meeting in the conference room." 

"I'll be right there." Ty left and I turned my attention back to August.

"Bye. Text me or call me later on when your free." I waved bye and he did as well. I hit end and left my phone on the table grabbing my notebook for the meeting.


I threw my phone on the couch cushion beside me and watched it bounce around until it stopped.

I was mad that I had to stay here for a few more months but this was life. I had to sometimes be away from the people I loved and it was really nothing I could do about it. I had to get this money. Nobody else was going to provide for a nigga.

"Aug?" I looked up seeing Sneak coming out his room. He had all his bags packed. He was going to New Orleans to handle business then he'd be going back to the A to tend to Ty.

"Wassup?" I asked.

"Can you help me with my damn bags!"

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Who the hell you yellin' at?"

He smacked his lips. "Man can you help me please?" He asked.

I got up off the couch helping him with his bags. "No problem." I smiled.

I helped Sneak take his bags down stairs and packed them in the car. When I was done I turned to him and gave him a brotherly hug.

"I'm gone miss you mane."

"I'm gone miss you too Yung' be safe outchea in these streets."

"No doubt. Tell Mom and everybody I said hi and I'll be there soon."

"Fashow." Sneak dapped me up one last time before getting in the car. I shoved my hands in my pockets watching the car until it was out of sight.

This was going to be a long ass two months without my nigga.

2 Months Later.


Somewhere along the lines August and I had fell off. It didn't quite make sense to me.

Two weeks ago I stopped receiving calls from him and text. Everything. I was confused and I still am. I continued to text him for a while but I never got a reply.

I haven't spoken to him in two weeks and it was starting to really bother me. I didn't do anything wrong. But I still needed to know what was wrong.

Sneak talked to him but when I asked him why August stopped talking to me he didn't answer he'd always change the subject.

I was angered that he just all at once stoped talking to me. It honestly made me feel bad. It had gotten so bad I had ran into Nolan one night while taking a run and I was listening to Drake and the next thing I know I was crying to him.

I felt even worse after doing that because I ended up forgiving Nolan. I knew August wouodnt approve but I got over that. I didn't care if he approved. I wasn't doing anything with Nolan and he wasn't trying to get with me or anything. We were friends. That's it.

"Denise that hoe in here." Ty came walking in my office eating what looked to be barbeque chicken.

I furrowed my eyebrows. I disregarded the fact she was eating in my office. "Who's where?" I asked still trying to comprehend what she was talking about.

"That hoe McCartney." Ty took a bite and I watched as she ate her chicken almost dropping it on my carpet.

"Okay get out." I walked from behind my desk walking behind Ty and she exited. I looked up seeing McKinley. Why was she even here? I was even more shocked seeing she was pregnant. I hope this wasn't what I thought it was.

However my prediction was soon to come true when she revealed to me she was seven months pregnant soon to be eight. She even annouced that her and August were back together and that they'd as in the two of them had been back in town for a whole week now and she thanked me for helping her save her relationship because it was in the best interest of the child that her and August were and stayed happily together.

Then she left just like that.

Ty wasted no time speaking out about what was just said. "That hoe ain't pregnant. In my Aug voice bee'lee dat."

I was shocked. Could she be telling the truth? I mean it is a great possibility that she could be pregnant. The time adds up but I couldn't be for sure if August was the baby's father. I mean they broke up months ago. It was a good possibility she could be false claiming.

I walked back in my office and grabbed my purse. I was going to see for myself.

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