Chapter 12

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Okay, so I just wanted to express my feelings for you all. I love each and every one of my readers. I love the comments mostly. I don't think I've ever told you guys how funny you are. I respond to majority of the comments y'all post but seriously y'all are hilarious. Your comments keep my mind flowing and wanting to write more.

I love how you guys dedicate yourself to my stories. Looking back 3 years ago I would have never thought that I would be acknowledged on Wattpad for my writing. I started writing on Missliterati I don't know if y'all know about that but I stopped writing on there because I wanted to write from a app and not a computer all the time. I came here about a year ago ayee mess with me and we beefing hoe y'all like my remix? Lol back to the subject. I didn't get as many reads and comments as I do now. I hardly got any, I just really love to write and I didn't care about comments and votes because I loved to write and I was just doing it for fun and my own entertainment.

I still do it for fun the only thing that's changed is now I'm entertaining you all, as well. I don't know what y'all see in my writing I don't think I'm that good. Sometimes I wonderful if I wasn't myself would I read my own stories? I don't think I would. I be tripping Sometimes. But I love and appreciate you guys so much. Friends? Yes, we're friends now.

I also hope you all continue rocking with me as I mature and get even better in writing.

Now for this chapter. I know y'all probably like, "Damn, this bitch still talking? Hoe, shut the Fuck up." *Ty voice*

Now to the chapter fr. Y'all know I sta-

I'm playing. Okay now I'm serious to the chapter.


Y'all thought? Y'all know who else funny August. He is hilarious and I don't even think he tries to be but he is.

To the chapter seriously now guys.

After work I was so excited. I had been anxious for the remainder of the day. I really really wanted to know what August had to say.

And I suppose there was no need to front anymore. But don't take this the wrong way when I say this.

August was a very nice guy and it's been a minute since I met a nice guy, well awhile. So I guess it was okay to say I had some type of feel for him. However, I wasn't going to rush anything if anything was to happen.

Plus, I don't know if he even feels the same so whatever I was feeling after these past couple of days I would keep to a minimum. I didn't need to be out here throwing myself at the first nice guy that comes my way. It had been two years but I really don't want to be so open. I believe that's the problem some times in a relationship. Us as women we fall to easy and are immediately open. We believe anything that comes out a guys mouth not thinking twice about it because we thinks he feels the same way. We need to open our eyes and stop being victims and play the suspect.

I don't know about y'all but one heart break was enough for me. I don't think I could bare another one. I was still trying to cope with Nolan still being alive.

I pulled up in Zeke's driveway thankful I only saw his car. No McKinley I didn't want to bump into her especially after last time. That girl right there was just asking for me to act out of character and open up a can of whup ass on her.

I knocked on the door softly and waited until Zeke opened it. "Hey, come in."

Did he think I was about to stand outside? I walked in going into his living room and sitting down on his couch. He came in and sat down as well. Before he could get to talking I spoke.

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