Chapter 21.

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2 months later.

"You alomst done packing? August gone be here in a minute and you taking your precious time." Ty was here and was rushing me in my own house.

"I'm almost done."

I was packing because we were flying out to New Orleans for Thanksgiving. Mrs. Shelia had invited us to come and stay . I agreed since I was off work for a few days.

Knock. Knock.

"There go my baby Sneak." Ty started running to the door almost falling in the process. I couldn't help but laugh at her. She couldn't even walk in three inch heels she just wanted to be taller.

"Haaaay y'all." I heard Ty's loud voice. I swore the walls were sound proof. I finished packing my shoes up in the luggage and stood up. I had four bags. I know we would only be gone for a few days but I had to be prepared for everything that was going to happen, or surprise that might happen during the time frame.

"Damn. We only leaving for three days." I turned around glaring at Sneak. Him and Ty always had something smart to say.

"Did I ask for your opinion?" I questioned with a smile.

August chuckled.

"She been fucking August and now she got balls." Sneak was turned looking at Ty. Like they were having a conversation without me being in the room.

"I know right. Dick must be bomb." Ty rolled her eyes and dramatically flipped her weave over her shoulders. It was long too it went all the way down to her butt.

"You ready to go Alexandria?" August smirked. Ever since I had told him my full name a few weeks ago he had been calling me by my middle name.

"Yes. I'm ready."

He walked passed me and I inhaled his scent. I loved the smell of Cologne. He grabbed both of my suitcases. "You look good." I blushed a little bit.

I grabbed my backpack and other bag. "Thank you and you do as well."

"Well you kn- "

"Can y'all shut up with the flirting and come on so we can leave. Damn. By the time y'all finish the flight gone be gone." Ty came putting her two cents in.

"Alright here we come Mama." August and I both laughed.

"Hehe hell. Shut the fuck up and lets go." Ty got both of her bags and we left out my house and u locked the door behind us. When we got to the garage all the bags went in the trunk of August Range Rover. Sneak and Ty were making out while we did that so I took it upon myself to get in the front seat before Sneak did.

When August and I were both in the car he beeped the horn. Ty jumped. Scary ass.

Can y'all stop with the flirting and come on so we can leave. Damn. By the time y'all finish the flight gone be gone." August mimicked Ty high pitched ass voice.

Ty flipped him off and they both got in the car.

Sneak tapped August.

"Wassup bro?"

"You just let her take my spot?" He asked pointing towards me.

August shrugged. "You and ole' girl was down each other throats. We ain't want to disturb you."

I giggled. Speak looked at me. "Alright rememba' dat. "

"Remember it, write it down. I don't give a fuck." I snapped back.

"August done turned Denise out. She's never been so violent before."

I turned around in my seat. "I'm not violent. I know your not talking after that stunt you pulled on my "car" a few months ago?"

"But people expect that from me. You." Ty pointed at me. "Just out of control."

"I was just kidding. Get your panties out a bunch." I turned back around in my seat. I decided to listen to music on the way to the airport. I didn't want to hear Ty and Sneak blabbing and August was in his own world as usual. Just sitting back and relaxing.


We had just landed in New Orleans and I was tired. I stayed up the whole plane ride and I regretted it to the fullest.

We all boarded off the plane and got our bags. Then we went to the waiting area where families usually are. I had both clue who we were suppose to be on the look out for but I soon found out when I heard a loud yell.

"Uncle August! There he is Mama." This little girl came running towards August. She was really short and cute and looked around 5 and she had really long hair that was in two pigtails. August swooped her up in his arms.

He hugged her giving her a kiss. Two more little girls came running to him. They all had long hair and were beautiful. Behind them was three adults. I slightly became nervous. I was standing right beside August answer I didn't know any of them.

There were two girls and a guy. After August finished his greeting with the girls one of the adults spoke.

She wrapped her arms around August hugging him. She was really pretty too and sort of looked like the girls and she really stood out with her purple hair and purple lip stick.

"I missed all of y'all." August hugged the other two.

"We missed you too Aug. " They all had strong thick accents.

"What about me?" Sneak asked.

They greeted him and then the spot light was turned on Ty and I.

"Cha, Mook, and Teek this Ty crazy ass and this is Denise." I smiled and waved.

"Oh and these three girls are my nieces Kay Kay, Chay, and Mya."

"Nice to meet you all."

"You pretty." Kay Kay said.

"Thank you." Ty said. Kay Kay looked at her and frown. "Not you."

"Kay stop. She didn't mean that." Cha smiled and apologized.

"I did." Kay mumbled. I giggled a little bit. She was a little diva I could see that off the bat.

"Your both really pretty." Chay said.

Ty and I both said Thank you.

"Well y'all lets go that Thanksgiving food is calling my name." Mook said.

"Food always calling your name." Sneak and Teek both chimed in laughing and Mook slapped both of them.

'Y'all niggas need food shid. Sneak, Aug must not pay you enough so you can eat."

"Y'all shut up. Always arguing." Cha put a stop to them real quick. All I could do was laugh. I see right now his family was funny so I had nothing to worry about.

This last one. Part two will be longer. When I'm writing it I don't know. Love y'all. Be breezy.

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