Chapter 27.

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Denise fit in m/m


"Why the hell did he have to come?" Ty asked.

She was still complaining that Sneak came along with us. They had been arguing the whole day about nothing.

"Because I wanted to come." Ty let out a loud groan. " The question is why you hea'? " Sneak mumbled.

Ty slapped Sneak upside the head. "Ain't you suppose to be in New Orleans with yo wife, nigga? "

"Don't worry about it. All you need to do is worry about you and my son that's it."

"Don't remind me."

Sneak laughed.

I don't even know why I brought these two with me. I should've just came by myself. We were currently at a lil store. I was buying Denise a nice outfit for our date tonight. I wanted to do something special for her since I would be leaving soon and I wanted to show her how much I cared for her. I know she still most likely had feelings for her ex husband and I would he gone for awhile so I wanted to leave her with this special memory just in case he was trying to win her back while I was gone. I doubt she would go for it but I needed to be sure. I needed Denise to know that I loved her. She was special to me. She wasn't like these other girls I had dated in my life time. She was reap classy and worked for her own money. I needed a women like that in my life. Plus, She was real sweet and always trying to help out. Ion understand how anybody could even let that pass by them. I was down for her and She was down for me.

I stopped in my tracks finding a cute skirt and white shirt that would look more than right on Denise.

I took it off the hanger admiring it and Ty snatched it out my hand putting it back.

"That's ugly. I like this." Ty rummaged through the rack and pulled out some bullshit. I shook my head. Hell no.

"Hell nah. Put that back. We ain't shopping for you. If you won't something ask Sneak and don't snatch nothing else out my hand."

Between her and Sneak I was going crazy.

'I'm just trying to help you out." Ty slung her long ass weave over he shoulder and walked away.

"He taking ha' on a date not to no damn strip." Sneak walked behind Ty criticizing her. He just wanted to start a argument with her.

I couldn't do this. I needed to get the hell out of here and quick. These two was taking me there today. I decided to get the fit I saw first and looked around from some heels the opposite way from Sneak and Ty.

I found some nice white heels with a clear strap around it. They went nice with the dress. I picked them up and decided why not get some accessories too.

I walked around the store looking for the accessories. Damn I wish one of the workers was helping a nigga But Ty had to open her big ass mouth when we walked in.

"No we don't need your help so go do something else." She said. She stayed running people away. I wouldn't mind her running ole' girl away. My nigga Sneak did not need to be getting married.

I felt somebody step on the back of my shoe taking me out my thoughts. I had just got these new Jordan's and a nigga was already stepping on my shit.

I turned around. "Excuse you." I wasn't surprise to see Denise ex. Noodles.

He looked at me mugging. "You got a fucki- " I stopped myself. I ain't need to be showing my ass in these white folks store nor did I need to be going to jail for whooping his ass.

I decided to be the bigger person and walk away. He just stepped on my shoe. It was disrespectful but I was just gone kill his ass with kindness.

"You have a nice day." I turned back around walking away. I shook my head. I must've really being growing up cause walking away was big for me.

I found the jewelry and went with gold. I wanted us to be matching. I got a nice gold watch for her and some gold earrings that dangled.

"Get the hoops." Ty came out of nowhere.

"Nah. You good."

I paid for the items and I waisted no time dropping Sneak and Ty off. I went over to Denise crib and dropped the bag off. She was at work today so She would get it later on. After that I went back home to get everything situated. I had a long eventful night ahead of me.



I had a busy day at work today because my wonderful assistant decides to take off because She wasn't feeling well. Today I really needed Ty. However, I suppose her condition was understandable. I had finished everything I needed to do for the day now I just wanted to spend time with August. Time wasn't on our side and he would be leaving in a day and a few more hours.

I packed up all my things leaving ad locking the building up since I was last to leave.

Once I was home I barely for in the door before my phone started ringing. It was my Mom.

"Hey Mom."

"Hi Denise. How's life?"

"Life is good. Nolan is back." I rolled my eyes.

"Aw. You've seen him?"

"Yes, and I just don't want him anymore."

"Does this by any chance have something to do with that Singer August?"

I couldn't help but smile. "Maybe."

"Look at You falling in love again. When can I have some grand babies?"

"Safe sex is great sex." I said. She always asking me about grandkids. She should just adopt some kids.

"I'm serious Denise."

"I am too Mom. I'm not ready."

"Girl, my mom had me at fourteen. I had you at sixteen. Your twenty three for crying out loud."

"Bye Mom love you. Tell Dad I said hi and I love him too."

"Don't rush me off the damn phone. I love you too baby. Come visit us soon and bring August I want his autograph."

I shook my head. "Bye." I hung up the phone. She was a mess.

I sat my phone down and it wasn't long before it started ringing again. This time it was August.


"Hey baby."

That accent sent chills through my body. "Did you get my gift?"

"Gift? No."

"Master bedroom."

I kicked off my shoes and walked in my room. My mood completely changed when I saw Nolan sitting on my bed.

How the hell did he even get in here?


"Ye-yeah." I took a deep breath. I was seeing things. Nolan was not here. I was seeing things.

"You alright?"

"Yeah I just never mind." I walked over to my bed. I saw the bags sitting there. I looked inside seeing a skirt and cropped top. I looked in the other bag seeing some heels. I smiled. August was so thoughtful.

"Thank you. I really appreciate them both."

"Good. I'll be over to pick you up lata' around eight. Be ready."

"I will."


"Goodbye." I hung up the phone plopping down on the bed. I had two hours to get ready before August would get here.

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