you're not smiling

193 16 2

Song: Happy Little Pill - Live by Troye Sivan

His fingertips sting as he feels the strings press into the flesh. The skin there has been hard and thick ever since he started playing the violin at the age of six but on days like these, where practice does not seem to end and the evening would hold yet another concert at some fancy event, where some fancy people would pay him a fancy amount of money to play, the strings still burn, leaving sharp red lines behind.

He holds his breath while he tries to focus on the sheet music he memorized this morning.

"You're not smiling Taehyung..."

His mother says, frustration creeping up on her face. He nods and plays the part again, this time focusing on his facial expression, telling his muscles to work hard in keeping his lips up and stretched in an exaggerated smile.

But they don't seem to obey, at least not to the extent that would please his already irritated mother. She gets up from the sofa she was sitting on and starts walking around the room.

"Taehyung, you know this performance is important. They pay us a lot of money for you to be playing at that gala."

He nods again. But a little voice inside his head is telling him that no one would bother looking at him or his smile as long as he won't fuck up any of the sheet music. Those people won't know the difference between a great violinist to an average one. He bets, they don't even bother as long as he stands there, looks pretty and plays decent, no one will care.

But he keeps still. Always does, always has.

Looking back, Taehyung can't remember the last time he argued with his mother, the last time he expressed his true opinion. But then again, does he even have one?

And so he goes on practicing, smiling so much his cheeks start to burn as much as his fingertips.

* * * * * *

The ceiling fan takes turn after turn after turn, gently blowing cool air down this back. His eyes are burning, begging for him to close them, but Jungkook does his best to keep them focused on the bright screen, right in front of him. Reading through the list of assignments, he tries to decide which one to start with. As always, his professors seem to forget that their lecture is not the only one he attends and must do stuff for. Meaning that once more, he'll spend the weekend cooped up in his room, trying to get everything done before the evening, so he can start working when nighttime comes around.

He looks at the plan he has noted down on his phone as to when moving out would be possible. Three more months, at the earliest, provided he'd drive four nights a week, which realistically, he would not be able to obtain with exams starting soon.

A knock on his door makes him jump, as he puts his phone down quickly and continues to stare at his textbook again. The door barley opens, his father's voice sounding from the other side of it, telling him he's leaving for that gala thing now, that he won't be back 'til late and that Jungkook should keep studying.

He presses his lips together, not quite sure if he'd rather see the face of the man who'd shouted at him just a few hours ago for leaving his coffee cup in the sink, or if he is content with the situation between them as it was right now, a door separating the two of them.

One year ago, his parents would have asked him to join them and even though Jungkook never really liked these fancy events his father got invited to ever so often, it still made him happy every time they had at least asked him and his brother to tag along.

He shakes his head, not wanting to go there but it's hard to concentrate with the all-consuming silence instead of the usual buzz of a busy cafe in the backdrop. All he can hear is the hum of the fan turning and turning and turning right above his head, sending a slight chill down his spin. For a second it almost feels like it's speeding up, making him dizzy. Quickly he grabs his headphones out of his backpack, clicking on the first album that pops up on Spotify.

When the clock strikes a quarter to midnight, Jungkook gathers all the stuff he needs for the night and gears himself up for work. He really hates walking through the house with all the lights out, but then again, he feels bad for leaving them on when he'll be gone all night anyway. And so, he sprints down the hallway after the last light goes out, trying not to glance at the door at the other end of hall.

Normally, he's careful not to wake his father, as the latter does not know of his son's late-night activity, but with him not being here tonight being caught sneaking out will not be a problem. In truth, Jungkook isn't really sure if his father would even dignify it with a response at all if he were to catch him, considering they haven't so much as exchanged a look, much less had a meaningful conversation in the last year. Not since then.

He shakes his head, not wanting to go there after successfully avoiding it all day. And so, he quickly turns on the radio once he slips into the driver's seat of his car. Before pulling out of the driveway, he opens the App on his phone and logs in, ready to start working until dawn, when he'll maybe be able to fall asleep, if he'd get lucky.

* * * * * *

Hi 💙
Hope you liked this little introduction to characters.

How you do think they'll meet?

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