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*trigger warning: describtion of panic attack*

Jeongukk is really looking  forward to having the evening all to himself. All the driving and his  irregular sleeping schedule are starting to catch up to him, having him  feel exhausted and tired the whole week. He clears his throat which has  been hurting for the past few days when he opens the door of the  apartment complex with the key Yugyeom has lent him. The week went by  faster than Jungkook has expected and so he was pleasantly surprised  when he realized that he'd see Taehyung tomorrow when driving him home  from orchestra practice. He enters the elevator with his thoughts by the  violinist, of which he, despite his busy schedule, has been thinking  about quite often since the other has left for his Airbnb apartment four days ago.

His mind clouded with  thoughts of the beautiful boys whose bangs always fall in front of his  eyes, is probably the reason Jungkook doesn't notice the loud rap music  coming from the door at the end the hallway. It's only when he opens the  front door that the smell of smoke hits his nostrils and makes him come  out of his imagination.

There is yelling and  laughter coming from the living room and his first instinct is to leave  before anyone notices him. But sadly, he contemplates for too long,  being caught by Yugyeom who is on his way towards the bathroom.

"Oh, hi- aren't you driving tonight?" he asks in surprise.

"No..." Jungkook stands  there in the entrance, shoes and jackets still on. "I don't feel so  good, so I thought I'd catch up on some sleep." he explains.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry.  I've invited the guys over for a few drinks." Yugyeom bites his lips but  then puts his arm around his best friend. "But you know what? This is  actually a great coincidence." He bobs his head against the other's.  "You'll have to talk to them someday. Why not tonight?"

A restless tingle goes  through Jungkook's body at the idea of being in a room with his old  friends, let alone spending an entire evening with them. But one look at  Yugyeom tells him how much it would mean to him. The whole situation in  their friend group certainly can't be easy for him either. Since  Jungkook lives with him, the two now sit next to each other again when  they have the same lecture. However, Jungkook has so far refused to sit  with the whole gang and so Yugyeom always find himself between his best  friend and the rest of their group.

This makes Jungkook nod, kicking off his shoes and hanging his jacket on the wardrobe.

"Yeah, that's my boy"  Yugyeom says in a joking manner, making Jungkook shake off the other's  arm and roll his eyes at him. He can hear Yugyeom snicker for behind him  when he enters the living room, revisiting a picture similar to the one  he has encountered a few weeks back.

"Eeeeey, Jungkookie"  Hoseok slurs and Jungkook can only guess that he has already had a few  drinks. Mingyu gets up and meets him with a quick hug and a pad on the  back. It helps ease the tension a little Jungkook feels since he has  stepped into the apartment.

"How are you doing?" he  asks and pads at the empty space on the couch next to him. Jungkook  looks around the room and finds his luggage stocked in the corner where  Taehyung used to have his stuff. They must have put it aside to make  space for the gathering.

He joins Mingyu on the couch. "I'm alright" he smiles, but he knows it probably looks fake...It is.

His eyes roam around the  room, unsure of where to look. It's unlike him to get uncomfortable in  social situations and he doesn't like it one bit that he starts staring  and fiddling with the fingers in his lap. It reminds him of a certain  violinist who has this habit as well. Taehyung actually has really  beautiful hands Jungkook has noticed the last time when the other-

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