taehyung does not smoke

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Your Eyes Tell - violin cover by Daniel Jang

Taehyung does not smoke.  Well, at least not on a regular basis, but he has found it to be a  helpful excuse to get away from people without having to speak anoother word. Pulling the packet out of the pocket of his blazer, taking out a  cigarette and placing it behind his ear, always does the trick.

Just like right now, he  intends to use this hack with the old men who has been talking his ear off for  the last ten minutes. He is going on about how he used to play the  violin as well when he as young...

for one year ....

at a public music  school ...

when he was 10.

Taehyung keeps nodding, replying with  something along the lines of it not being for everyone before pulling  his anti-social move, throwing his violin case over his shoulder, and  walking off with a polite smile that leaves his lips as soon as his back  is turned to the man's face.

Like many Korean  weddings this couple has theirs in a huge hall of one of the hundred  skyscrapers of Seoul. The official ceremony is over by now and Taehyung  has already played his first few songs. Now while everyone is eating, he  has a break before having to play again for the first dance. As he does not intend to  spend his time off in a crowd full of people he quickly walks out of  the hall towards the elevator. On this way he stops by the buffet,  grabbing a few of the finger food snack that were still left over from  earlier. Glad not having to share his elevator ride with anyone, he lets  out a breath Taehyung has been holding in for the whole evening while  pressing the number on the top of all the other stops.  Getting to the  highest floor is not enough to get to the roof and so he must take the  stairs for the last part, while silently praying for the door not to be  locked.

Luckily it isn't and so  Taehyung steps outside, immediately feeling the early spring breeze on  his face, messing up his dark locks and the white bottom down his mother  had ironed his morning. He looks around. The building isn't high enough  for him to not still be toured over by other skyscrapers, their walls  casting long shadow over the roof. But still, it feels less crowed up  here then down there.

He steps to the edge,  leaning against the railing, shooting down a daring look. The cars  moving around down there look like the ones his father used to get him  in an attempt to make up for whatever shit he has pulled on them until  his mother has complained of there being enough for him to open up a  tiny junkyard.

"I don't think it's high  enough" a voice behind him says and Taehyung jumps at it, turning  around to face a familiar face.

It takes him a few seconds to place a  name to the person sitting on the ground leaning against a ventilation  pipe. But with him not meeting new people every day the options are  relatively limited and so he soon recognizes the guy in front of him as  his Uber driver form last week.

What was his name again?

Ah right, Jungkook.

"No, it isn't" Taehyung  replies absent minded, only to then ask himself one second later for  what exactly it wasn't high enough. What did the uber driver guy mean?  And what did he himself mean to say with his response?

"So, we met again"  Jungkook says, getting up from the ground and brushing the dust of his  dress pants. "Although I wouldn't  have imagined it to be at my mother's  second wedding" he chuckles slightly, offering Taehyung a smile that  does not reach his eyes.

Taehyung tries and smiles back.

There is a silence  settling between the two as Taehyung is heavily searching his mind for  the right thing to say to someone whose mother has just gotten married  to someone who's not their father. Should he congratulate him on the  newly won family member? Or ask him if he's happy about the union? But  then again, that would be too personal...

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