fancy a drink?

77 9 1

song: Peer Pressure - James Bay, Julia Micheals

Taehyung seems different  when he gets into the car, or at least this is what Jungkook thinks.  But then he asks himself whether he knows the other enough to make such  assumptions.

Anyway, Jungkook is glad to see that Taehyung gets into the  passenger seat without hesitation. He takes it as a reassurance that  Taehyung did not think of his offer as creepy or weird, as this was all  Jungkook could think about after he had dropped the other off yesterday.

"How was orchestra? What kind of orchestra is it anyway?"

It does not surprise  Jungkook that Taehyung doesn't answer right away as there always are those  few seconds of silence before the violinist answers. It is something  Jungkook has notices the last few times they've spoken.

"It's an orchestra consisting of former students of my school." he explains but does not elaborate any further.

Jungkook has to contain  himself form asking the dark-haird boy more questions. Something he has  also noticed the last few times; he finds himself wishing for Taehyung  to talk more, somehow. Not for the sake of conversation, but because in a  weird way every time he opens his mouth whatever Taehyung says just  seems to make sense to Jungkook. There is this feeling of satisfaction  every time the other speaks and Jungkook wants to feel it as often as  possible.

But the silence stays  for the next few minutes. Jungkook glances over to Taehyung a few times,  seeing him look out of the window. They drive down one of Seoul's main  roads, the sidewalk packed up with shops and restaurants.

After a while he can't take it any longer, the normally conformable silence suffocating him.

"Are you okay?"


Was that out of line?

"I- uh sorry... it's just - don't  want to go home right away." Jungkook hears Taehyung answer with a small  voice, making him want to take a good look at the other but the traffic  forces him to keep his eyes on the road for the moment.

"Fancy a drink?"

He is glad to hear Taehyung's faint chuckle, indicating that he got the reference to the night they first meet two weeks ago.

"Actually, yes."

And so, Jungkook pulls  over to the next restaurant he sees. Taehyung frees himself from the  safety belt and searches though his pockets. It takes Jungkook a second  to realize that Taehyung is about to pay him and go have that drink all  by himself.

"Eh, I- I'm actually quite thirsty myself."

He internally face-palms  himself for his choice of words and hopes Taehyung didn't notice the  embracing self-invite. "I mean I can't drink because I'm driving, but  I'd take a coffee."

He leaves it at that,  giving Taehyung the chance to back out of the idea of the two of them  drinking together. But Taehyung only eyes him for a quick second before  nodding to the parking shield a few feet away from them.

"You have to pay for parking here though."

* * * * * *

Taehyung feels awkward  sitting there in front of his Uber driver with a bottle of soju under  his nose while the other only has a cup of coffee. He has already  drowned a few shots and can now feel the cozy warmth of the alcohol  heating up his body, especially his cheeks and ears.

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