regulars are always preferred

113 12 1

Song: Chemicals (Acoustic Version) by Normandie

Every three seconds or so, a new headlight flashes up, shining some light on his face, then passing by and leaving him in the dark again. Sitting on the bench of a bus station, where the next bus would not turn up for at least another 3 hours, he sits with his head leaned against the glass wall behind him. Half of the bench is cluttered with empty canes and takeaway foods, so Taehyung had to shove them away to make space for himself.

Looking up at the big buildings towering over him, blocking out most of the sky, he feels suffocated and slightly claustrophobic. To him, they seem like a cage, keeping him locked up in this the city. He can't remember the last time he escaped the noises and crowds of Seoul, left them behind for at least a little. The last time he saw the line of the horizon clearly without yet another skyscraper blocking the view.

Taehyung looks at his phone. It's been twenty minutes since he ordered his Uber and he's still sitting outside the huge building, waiting in the cold with only this suit as a jacket. He doesn't mind though. He might have some other night, when he would be in a hurry to get home and rest before yet another day of practice and then another evening concert would wait for him. And even though that is exactly the case for the next day, Taehyung does not feel bothered waiting while breathing in the cool air. It's probably nothing compared to the fresh air of the countryside, but still, it helps easing the headache which has made his head pound during the whole concert.

His phone lights up, a message appearing on the screen telling him that his uber is here. He looks up from his phone and recognizes the car parked a few feet away from the bus station. With his violin case slung over this should he gets up and jogs towards it. He slides inside and greets the driver with a quick greeting and a nod while looking at him through the back mirror.

"What's the address?" the driver asks him while fumbling with the navigation system on the headboard.

Taehyung quickly tells him this home address and the next moment they are back on the road, surrounded by other cars. He is always amazed how many people still are up at this hour, wanting to get somewhere in the city.

"I'm sorry you had to wait in the cold. There was construction work going on and a lot of traffic due to it." The driver says, looking at Taehyung through the back mirror. "I won't charge you the full price." He adds, eyes back on the road.

"No worries, you can't control traffic and such things, right?" Taehyung replies, giving him a weak smile before covering this yawning mouth with his hand.

The drive shots him a quick look, smiling tiredly as well and then jawing just like Taehyung. Their eyes met in the back mirror, both of them cracking another shy smile when they realize that Taehyung had infected the driver with his yawning.

"Long day?" the drive asks casually while bring the car to a stop in front of a red light.

"Mhm" Taehyung replies, looking outside the window.

It's still dark outside and so the colorful lights of the different bars and stores along the main road seem to glow in contrast to the night. Eyeing one bar in particular, Taehyung reads the name out loud. "Always Homme" he says and chuckles, more to himself than to anyone else. But the driver laughs quietly as well, as he seems to know this street and its bars quit well. At least, that's what Taehyung assumes.

"Fancying a drink?" He asks as he starts the engine again now that the light has turned green.

Taehyung shakes his head and keeps his eyes on the different stores they pass by. It takes him a few seconds to realize that the driver probably did not see his response and that he probably came across as quite rude, not really engaging in the light conversation which the driver has tired to initiate for the second time now.

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