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There is always this strange atmosphere a storm leaves behind after washing over whatever humankind has built for themselves. There is pain, as somethings can't be repaired not matter how hard you try. There is regret, as somethings could have been protected if only, you'd tried harder. And then there is hope, as every ending makes space for something new.

Something new, built out of the ashes from the past.

Taehyung still can't believe how much Jungkook has open up yesterday, letting Taehyung in on such a dark memory of his, sharing his worst moment with him. And while Taehyung has promised not to feel sorry for the boy, he can't help but do so. Seeing him so utterly broken, shattered by his own guilt and regrets, had Taehyung feeling nauseous. And even now, his chest hurts at the thought of what Jungkook had to go through, of all the pain, self-guilt and blame he burdens himself with, never talking about it with anyone.

Taehyung clenches his eyes, as they start to burn just thinking about it. He doesn't want Jungkook to suffer anymore. He doesn't want him to hurt. Taehyung want's Jungkook to heal.

Alas, these thoughts make him feel oddly hypocritical for ghosting his own mother, who has only taken six weeks to send her son a text, asking for them to meet up over coffee.
Taehyung knows he should get his shit together too. He already managed to confront Jimin about that time when he overheard him in the bathroom. The blonde shamefully admitted that frustration took over him in that moment as he didn't want people to make up rumours about Taehyung but at the same time didn't know enough about him yet to tell them what the violinist was really doing.
Taehyung sat on the answer for a bit and a few days later learned that the guy that had ask Jimin was one that always made fun of the blonde for his height. It somehow made him remember that little boy from the day care centre. Just like him,  Jimin must have had his own struggles to overcome and deal with, some of which still might bother him today.
He's just human after all.

Thinking this way about  Jimin is a lot easier than about his own mother though. Taehyung is seriously considering refusing the offer of meeting her as the bed feels so much warmer with Jungkook next to him, his arms wrapped around Taehyung's waist and nose in his crotch of his neck. His breath tickles and sends soft shivers down Taehyung's spine and while part of him wants to turn around and look at his handsome face, another wants to just stay exactly like this.

If feels as if the world around them has stopped and everything outside of this bed doesn't matter. No mothers. No fathers. No drama. Just them.

But when Jungkook has already managed to talk to his mother, Taehyung should try to do the same. In the end, he can't expect the other to recover and grow, without doing so himself, right?
And so, he texts his mother back, saying he'll be free in an hour. After that, he puts his phone away, turning in the tight hug Jungkook is holding him captive in, which is harder than expected. Once the mission is completed, he can't help but stare at the boy in front of him for a few more seconds before waking him up.

His dark hair reaches to his chin, covering half of his face right now, but still, it is evident how handsome Jungkook is. Small breaths of air escape through his parted lips. Lips Taehyung admittedly, really wants to feel on his right now. Lips that have him lean forward and ghost over with his mouth, wanting to feel their sweetness.

Jungkook's eyes twitch and he gently sighs, snuggling closer to Taehyung which has him chuckle softly. Jungkook still seems half asleep but that does not stop him from searching for Taehyung's lip with closed eyes.

"Morning" Taehyung chuckles, brushing away the strands of hair that cover the boy's face, finally seeing it on full display. Gorgeous.

Jungkook only hums, hands wandering to Taehyung's back, sneaking underneath his shirt to rub small patterns on his bare skin. Taehyung finds himself leaning into the touch while his lips are back on Jungkook's, exploring them with caution and care.

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