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Taehyung didn't think  Jimin could be so persistent. His cigarette consumption is increasing,  and Taehyung is not sure how much more he wants to put his lungs  through. At first, he thought Jimin was making fun of him by constantly  spending his breaks with him and always asking Taehyung what he was up  to after practice. But even Taehyung must realize at some point that no  one would willingly stand outside in the cold with him and have  one-sided conversations just for a joke.

"Is he bothering you?"  Jungkook asks when Taehyung joins him in the car a week later. The short  guy has been waiting with Taehyung again like the week before, the two  having a smoke in silence until Jungkook arrived.

"Kinda, I don't know" Taehyung shakes his head, unsure whether he is joking or not.

"Should I tell him to back off?" Jungkook asks, his eyes looking serious all of a sudden.

"No!" Taehyung is quick to shoot back, maybe a little to harsh. "I can handle it"

Taehyung shakes his head  and stares out of the window to Jimin who is now walking towards the  bus station at the corner of the street. The darkness nearly swallows  him until he reaches the illuminated station and takes a seat at the  bench.

"Oh, I wasn't saying it  because I thought you couldn't..." Jungkook shakes his head, eyes wide.  "Wow, that was such a douche bag line, I just realized it now" he  ruffles his hair and lets out a loud sigh.

"Kinda, yeah" Taehyung  chuckles, liking the way the other blushes ever so slightly while  joining in on his laughter. Something Taehyung really likes hearing.

"Do you know what he  wants from you though?" Jungkook asks after he starts the engine and  lets the car roll out of the parking lot.

"I am not sure, actually"

"Maybe ask him, and he will stop bothering you?"

Maybe he should just ask  him. Taehyung has been trying to come up with an explanation by himself  and has yet to reach any conclusion. Asking wouldn't hurt... right?

"You're right." He nods and offers his driver a warm smile.

"I can be smart at times." Jungkook says and offer him a sarcastic smile, pretending to snap back his dark hair.

"You are smart." Taehyung nods, searching the other's eyes. "You are."

"If you think so."  Jungkook shrugs but Taehyung can see the smile forming on his lips and  the way he straightens in his seat. "But you're pretty smart as well.  You were right about the whole talking-to-a-professional-thing."

"Yeah? You went?" A weird sense of pride fills Taehyung when he sees Jungkook nod. "Want to tell me about it?"

"I spoke to the  university counselor" Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek, nodding  softly. "I think I might go talk to him again. Just this week was busy  with exams and everything."

"That great. What's he like?"

"He is very open and patient. I like that. And he is very calm, just like you." He lifts his eyes of the road "I like that too."

The tingle in Taehyung's  stomach is back, tickling a smile out of him, that probably reaches  from ear to ear. And so, he is quick to face his hands in his lap and  bite his lips. But the feeling lasts nonetheless.

It's been another week  of which he has spent way too much time thinking about his Uber driver  when he should rather learn how to carve animals into apples or to play  the crescendo in that symphony for orchestra practice. But aside from  that, his mind has also been occupied by a certain short blonde with a  kind smile that keeps talking to him after partice with no apparent  reason.

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