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Waves by Mr.Probyz

6 years ago


There is something about being wanted by someone who never knows what they want. And oh how much Taehyung hopes he is wanted as much as he wants the other. Hopes that for once in his life Park Jimin can make up his mind about something.

About Taehyung to be exact.

The sun shines even though it is already mid-November and the sky has been covered by many clouds the past few days. But today feels different. And so, Taehyung sees this as a sign.

It's time.

He can see the crossroad where they have to part ways approaching and slows down in his steps, hoping to procrastinate the moment of their farewells and the moment he'll disclose his feelings for the boy he has admired for the past few years. He can't actually remember when it started. It just was there one day and soon enough became so natural to him that he cannot even recall what it's like not liking Jimin. And when Taehyung learned that they both got into Seoul's music academy he truly felt like the happiest boy in south Korea.

Jimin doesn't seem to want to slow down and instead turns around to Taehyung with a question in his eyes.

"You coming?"

Taehyung nods and quickly catches up. They reach the crossroad and Taehyung still isn't sure how to start.

How can one express something he can't even put into words himself?

How can he make Jimin feel what he feels when he is with him?

"Jimin, wait-" He reaches for the violin case hanging from his shoulder. "I want to tell you something." He quickly opens the case and places the violin on his shoulder and bow on the strings.

"I don't know how to tell you, so I'll just play it for you, okay?"

Taehyung is too eager to catch Jimin's irritated glance. He closes his eyes as soon as the first note fills the air around them, not ready to face the other's reaction just yet.

He is not playing a particular song but more of an improvisation of different melodies that have been flowing through his mind and fingers the past couple of days when he was think of the blond boy.

He just hopes they express what he feels.

But with Jimin being a musician himself, that should not be a problem, right?

Taehyung catches the other's expression when he ends his performance. Still looking confused, Jimin starts clapping and searching through his pockets. "I would give you some change, but I only have my credit card with me today" he laughs and it's an angelic laugh, light and clear. A laugh Taehyung adores.

The boy bites his lips, not being able to hide his nervousness and anticipation. "So, what- what do you think?"

"I liked it" Jimin smiles approvingly. "It's a little all over the place with all the different styles and rhythms if you ask me. But maybe you could ask Professor Lee to help you develop a more consistent theme and then-."

Jimin stops and it takes Taehyung a few seconds to realize why.

He has not felt his eyes burning or the tears rolling down his face. He just feels his cheek being wet and sticky now that Jimin is looking at him with that expression Taehyung cannot quite decapper.  He quickly dries them with the sleeve of his hoodie but as soon as they are dried more water seems to come out of his eyes. He cannot stop it somehow.

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