glad I'm not alone tonight

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Song: but I'll wait for you by BLOO

After debating on the  question for several minutes Taehyung still isn't sure whether he has  made the right choice suggesting for them to crash at Yugyeom's place.  He clearly remembers Jungkook's last encounter with his childhood  friends, having witness the consequences first-hand. But still, in the  end they both need some where to stay and Taehyung remembers Yugyeom  having a big couch.

They don't talk a lot  after the decisions has been made and Taehyung catches himself feeling a  little empty when they enter the small elevator again. This time with a  considerable amount of space between them.

Yugyeom clearly looks  surprised when he opens the door to his friend who has apparently ran  out of his apartment just a week ago, in company of the other guy who  has happened to be there that day as well. Or at least that is what  Taehyung assumes. The others must have fill Yugyeom in on what went down  while he was out to get some groceries.

"Hi?" It sounds more like a question than a greeting.


Taehyung can tell how tired Jungkook must be, his eyes looking heavy and his skin fare.

"Eh... can we- can we crash here for the night?" His voice sounds weak and defeated somehow.

Yugyeom raises an  eyebrow at the question and leans against the door frame. There is a  short silence while the three of them just stand there, one starring at  the other pervasively while the two others take interest in the floor.

Yugyeom clears his throat. "Only if you talk to me about what happened last week."

Taehyung isn't exactly sure what he expects but is surprised the find Jungkook give in with just a defeated nod.

"Is tomorrow okay though? We are really tired."

"Sure" Yugyeom shrugs,  stepping away for the door to let them in. Taehyung sees Jungkook  quickly brushing past him but hears the faint "Thank you hyung" he  mutters under his breath when passing Yugyeom. He earns himself a pad on  the back

"Anything for you Jungkookie."

Yugyeom is quick to  leave the two of them to it after bringing them some blankets and  pillows. While getting ready for bed Taehyung feels the urge to say  something, anything, as Jungkook and him still haven't exchanged a word  since they left the car.

"Hey Jungkook?" he asks while shaking out his pillow.


"Thank you for asking  your friend if we could stay with him...- I know that wasn't easy for  you and yeah... thanks for letting me tag along."

Jungkook lays down on the couch, his bare feet sticking out form the other end.

"Anything for you  Taehungie" he mocks his friend for his choice of words earlier and  Taehyung is glade to find them both laugh softly at it.

The corner couch  provides enough space for both and soon after Taehyung joins the other  but not before contemplating where to put his head. But as he rather not  put his still slightly wet feet in the other's face, he is quick to  decide to lay his head down next to Jungkook's in the corner of the  sofa.

It's dark outside but a  quick glance on his phone tells Taehyung that it's only a little after  10 pm. He ignores the missed calls and instead hugs the second pillow  Jungkook has left to him. Sure, the fight with his mother and practice  was exhausting but the thought of sleeping at a stranger's place with  his Uber driver next to him has Taehyung feeling wide awake again.

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