pretty helpless

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An uber ride later Taehyung finds himself standing in front of the entrance to the apartment complex while the rain pours down over the rooftops of Seoul. A strong wind blows and shakes his sweater. He will have to buy a decent jacket. His hasty departure yesterday has left him no time to pack and thus no spare clothes. He knows that if he wants to keep performing, he'll need to look after his dress pants and bottom-down.

But after today, he honestly is not sure if he wants to keep playing. The melodies have stopped touching his heart a long time ago and now with his mother out of the picture...he shakes his head and for the third time tires to push the front door of the building open. A loud sigh leaves his mouth and the urge to punch something creeps its way through his body.

He hates this.

Hates the situation he has once again found himself in.

He is not ready to face Jungkook yet, but if he wants to get into the apartment any time soon, he has no other choice than to call him. And so, he does only for it to go straight to voice mail. Sure, he could just ring the bell, but considering that it is already one o'clock in the morning, he does not want to overstress Yugyeom's hospitality by waking him up in the middle of the night.

Which leaves Taehyung with no out choice than to wait. He crouches down in the corner of the entrance where he is somewhat shielded from the wind and rain and puts his head on his knees.

Sleep is creeping its way through his body to his brain. After all he did not sleep one wink last night and with what happened today, escaping reality for a brief moment sounds like a nice plan.

While Taehyung is internally preparing himself to sleep outside, he hears an engine being killed and footsteps that seem to be directed in his direction. It is only then when Taehyung realizes what kind of scenario, he finds himself in;


in the middle of the night,

with nowhere to go and no one to call.

What if the gets mobbed? He cannot lose his money right now, it's all that he has!

Should he hide? But where?

His body starts trembling and he finds himself wanting nothing more than to be home, even though his traitor of a mother would be there too. But instead, he is here where it's cold and dark and he is alone and- the ring ton of his phone disturbs the quiet and the screen lights up in the sparsely lighted entrance, showing the name of the person he has last tried to call. For a moment Taehyung considers ignoring the call as he still does not know what to say to the other and- before he can finish his train of thoughts the figure he has momentarily forgotten about, is standing in front of him, towering over him, making him feel small and defenseless.


His voice is raspy and low when he speaks and somehow sends shivers down Taehyung's spin. When he looks up to meet the stranger looking down on him, he finds him to no longer be stranger. This makes Taehyung let out a deep breath, though the blood is still pulsing heavily through his veins.

"Have you been here all night? I'm sorry I missed your call I was just calling you back" Jungkook holds his phone demonstratively under Taehyung's nose when he squats down and meets Taehyung at eye level.

However, Taehyung prefers to let his eyes rest on the ground. "I've only been here a few minutes" he mumbles, not wanting to admit that it has already been half an hour.

"I was worried because you didn't answer my text and when I came home this afternoon you were gone." Taehyung can tell from the tone in his voice, that Jungkook is being serious.

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