thinking about it

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There is a cool breeze in the air this morning but today Taehyung is wearing a jacket. The wind feels fresh against his face, waking him up on his way to work without his whole body trembling all the while.

There are clouds covering the sky, making it grey instead of blue, but to Taehyung, it still looks beautiful. So does Han River, with its dark green water. So does the bridge with its pillar out if steel. So does Seoul. So does Jungkook.

Wait, what?

Taehyung bites his lip, remembering how they touched the ones of Jungkook last night. How they meet over and over again, feeling so soft and warm and sweet.

He stops in the middle of the bridge, taking in the view of the city, that is already fully awake even though it's only 7 am. Everyone is up, out and about. Everyone except maybe Jungkook. Taehyung images him sleeping on Yugyeom's couch, daylight shining through the room. When they used to share a couch, Taehyung had offered to keep the curtains closed in the morning when he got ready and the other was still asleep, but Jungkook had told him to please leave them open, apparently not being a fan of sleeping in complete darkness.

Taehyung shakes his head as he starts walking again. For once he's content with the view that presents itself to him. Maybe this city isn't as bad as he thought it to be.

* * * * * *

Jungkook isn't sure whether he should have called and made an appointment but here he is.

He takes a deep breath before knocking on Dr. Kim's door. To be honest, he doesn't feel like seeing the counselor today. Not after what happened yesterday. Just thinking about it has the endorphins in Jungkook's system running wild, cursing through his body just to remind him that Taehyung kissed him. Taehyung made the move. So, it has to mean something...right?

Naturally, Jungkook would much rather bath a little more in this delirious state of bliss as to face his issues on a Saturday afternoon. But at the same time, Taehyung looked so proud when Jungkook told him about this session with Dr. Kim that he just wants to see that look in the other's eyes once more when he tells him that he met up with the counselor again.

After a few seconds Dr. Kim's voice calls him in. "Ah, Jungkook! Good to see you again."

He smiles and Jungkook can't help but smile back, even if it's just for the sake of being polite. But in all honesty, the other's smile has something intoxicating to it, making it hard to just keep frowning. Jungkook greets back and takes a seat just like the last time.

"How can I help you today?" Dr. Kim wants to know as he sits down as well. This time the man is holding a pen and a notebook in his hands.

"Eh- I think" Jungkook scratches his neck, nervously eyeing the other's equipment "I just want to talk"

"Sure, anything specific on your mind?" Like last time, Dr. Kim leans back in his seat after putting the notebook on the coffee table between the two of them and somehow, Jungkook feels less watched. Like he has a little more space to breath and think clearly.

"Yeah, eh- so I have been crashing at my friend's for quite some time now, because me and my father had...a fallout" He knows his narrative isn't easy to understand without the details, but he doesn't really feel like elaborating.

But what if the guy is going to dig deeper?

Jungkook looks up from the plant he has been watching intently to find the eyes of the counselor on him, giving him a small nod.

"But I can't just live there forever" Jungkook continues, the uneasiness he feels every morning when stealing himself back into Yugyeom's apartment starting to take up more and more space in his stomach. "And so, I've been thinking about- I mean, by now I have enough money to rent an apartment for a few weeks but- I want to pay him back as fast as I can."

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