drive safely tonight

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A slight throbbing on his temple has accompanied Jungkook the whole day, now with an added scratching in his throat. He takes a strong sip of his water when he stops at the location to which he was ordered. The door of his car opens, and a young woman and man take a seat in the back. He greets his customers politely and shortly after drives off to take them to their desired destination.

Soft chuckling echoes through the car and Jungkook cannot help but eardrop from time to time, at what the young couple was talking about.

"Will you do the laundry when we got home?" Jungkook hears the guy ask.

"I already did it last week..." The girl response in a winy voice, making her boyfriend chuckle.

"No, you didn't" he answers and when Jungkook glances at them through the back mirror he can see the grin on the guy's face while he watches his girlfriend cross her arms and pout.

"Okay, I didn't" she then answers with a laugh. "Why can't I just buy new clothes instead of always washing old ones? Doing laundry is so tiring..." she keeps winning and Jungkook has to direct his eyes on the road again because after all, he is still the one driving.

"I'll do your laundry everyday if you're the one responsible for cleaning the bathroom"

"Really?" the girl squirts with excitement.


Again, their soft laughter fills the car, making Jungkook smile as well. Who good must if feel to be happily in love? They probably just moved in together and are still figuring the whole sharing-a-place-together-thing out. He himself had to adjust as well now that he and Taehyung share a couch together. He likes it every time he sneaks in in the early morning after driving, when the other is still asleep. Just laying down and slowly slumbering off to sleep with someone next to him feels good. It helps with the haunting thoughts and nightmares.

Still, the thought of Taehyung let a slight uneasiness emerge in him.

The other has been pretty distant after their kiss that night and Jungkook still isn't sure whether he crossed a boundary that he shouldn't have. Guessing from Taehyung's initial reaction, he probably did. But now, a few days later, they are back to normal again or at least as normal as two acquaintances crashing at one's best friends place can be. And even though a small part in Jungkook wants to just forget all about it, there is a rather big part who does not want to do that.

He was planning on talking to Taehyung about it but with him driving all night and attending classes during the day, they have not really been seeing a lot of each other. Instead, Taehyung has been spending more time with Yugyeom. Which Jungkook does not mind, he really doesn't. But still, he could not fight the sting in his chest when he learned that Yugyeom has got Taehyung a job at the same day care center Yugyeom jobs from time to time.

He takes a sharp turn to the left before pulling up to the small concert hall the couple has told him to be their destination. After wrapping up the payment, he watches them stroll towards the building. The girl laughs and pushes the guy away only to cling to his arm again and then tearing him in the direction of the entrance.  They look so carefree it makes his chest clench.

Will he ever be able to feel like that again?

His eyes fall on the clock of his phone. If he goes home now, Taehyung would most probably still be awake. A short break won't hurt and he can just go back to driving when the other goes to sleep...

The decision is an easy one to make and so Jungkook finds himself back at the apartment only 20 minutes later. And indeed, Taehyung is still awake. Jungkook finds both him and Yugyeom sitting at the kitchen table in front of a laptop, both holding steaming cups in their hands.

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