five-star review

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The Edge Of Something by Causes

He is met with the cool night air when he opens the backdoor of the restaurant he has played at tonight. Spring decided that it's still a bit too early for it to show its true colors and so it'd rather stay behind for a little while longer.

But of course, Taehyung has not got the memo and did not dress accordingly, which is why he now stands trembling on the sidewalk as he searches through his pockets for his phone.

The people at the event did not pay him much attention as per usual, but it's not like that matters to him anyway. I probably prefer it that way, he says to himself. The money is the sole reason he keeps on playing each and every night, why he keeps on practicing, why he keeps on doing all of it.

He opens the UberApp, scrolling through the names of available drivers in his era and feels his eyes roaming for one specifically. If Taehyung is being honest with himself the young Uberdriver has crossed his mind a few times this week as he went on about his normal routine of practicing the violin and performing at random events his mother has organized for him.

What is he up to these days?

Does he like the fact that his mother got married again?

Taehyung did not get the chance to ask him that. And even if he did, he isn't sure he would have, as it is not really his place to know such personal things about the other. Still, it felt somewhat intimate, the conversation they had before Taehyung had to go downstairs and play his last set. He remembers it clearly, how after a while Jungkook had lifted his gaze of the Skyline of Seoul, eyes still filled with that feeling Taehyung could not quite grasp.

"I feel like I've heard that song before."

Taehyung wasn't sure if he was supposed to respond to that statement or whether it was one of these situations where one would just nod along. But he felt like if he were to keep quiet yet again, he would come off as disinterested. And, if he was honest with himself, he kind of did not want the conversation with Jungkook to end just yet. And so, he blurted out the first thing that came to his mind.

"I guess that's just what this song does- like, make people revisit old memories and stuff."

Taehyung used the silence to rethink his answer, asking himself if it was the wrong one and what would have been better in that case?

"Kinda rude of it, if you ask me" Jungkook replied then and caught Taehyung off guard with the slight chuckle in his voice. "Just letting people drown in their past without asking for permission." He was still chuckling though the last sentence did hold a kind of bitterness to it.

"It's okay to drown in memories sometimes, I think" Taehyung said for his mouth was keeping the upper hand over his mind "You just have to make sure to remember the good ones as well."

He felt Jungkook's head turn more towards him, and he kept starring at the sunset at the horizon, not ready to read the other's facial expression yet. Maybe he wasn't exactly the right person to talk big about memories and embracing one's past. He did not really enjoy his own that much. And somehow Jungkook seems to sense this when asking his next question.

"Speaking from experience?"

The question could have been asked lightly, but it did not feel so to Taehyung. He felt a certain heaviness to it, which made him tense up and breath out an awkward laughter.

"Doesn't everyone? Have some bad memories I mean..."

He could feel Jungkook's eyes still lingering on him.

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