where are you?

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song: She's In The Rain - The Rose

Taehyung is already in  bed when his phone lights  up the room in a blue tone while buzzing on  the nightstand. He almost  declines the call before checking the name,  because who else would call  him at 1 am expect a spam call? His mother  hasn't called or texted him  since that night and he can't decide whether  to be glad about it or  not.

But when his eyes read the name appearing on the screen, Taehyung is quick to sit up in bed and answer it right away.

"Hi?"  he asks shyly and  in slight anticipation of hearing the other's voice  again. But when he  does, it doesn't sound like what he has been waiting  for all week. The  voice that gets him all excited and bubbly inside,  even though he might  not show it, has been replace with raspy  stuttering. 


He can hear the panic in   Jungkook's voice and his heavy breathing, reminding him of the time he   broke down after meeting is friends unexpectedly a few weeks back.

"Jungkook, are you okay?"

The is just breathing coming from the other end of the call and Taehyung can feel his heart beating faster.

"Jungkook, can you hear me?" he asks it even though he has a pretty good guess that the other can't. Not when he is like that.

"Jungkook, where are you?"

  "dunno" is all that  comes back after a another pause of heavy  breathing and Taehyung can  tell that Jungkook is trying his hardest to  pull himself together. 

"Do you want me to come  and get you?"  Taehyung asks while he isn't sure whether it is his place  to look after  the other. A part of him says he should just call Yugyeom  to go pick  him up but then again, Jungkook did call him, so chances are  the  Yugyeom isn't someone he wants to see right now.


"Please... come" It's a mixture of a whisper and a sob, the sound making Taehyung's chest feel tighter.

"Okay,  can you send me  your location?" he asks while he already pulls up the  Uber-App on his  phone. He is relieved to find a driver who can be at  this apartment in  just three minutes. He clicks request and then hopes  out of bed, running  to the door and slipping on his shoes.

He hears a message coming in with a location pined on a map.

"Okay, I'm on my way. Do you want me to stay on the phone with you?"


Taehyung  rushes down the  steps to the entrance of the building. "Eh- "He knows  he should keep  talking but finds himself at a loss of words.

"Okay,  eh- the Uber I  order just arrived" he narrates. "I'm getting onto the  car now-" He  quickly greets the driver and tells him to location.  Relief washes over  him when the navigation system tells him that it is  only a seven-minute  car ride away.

"Okay so now I'm driving   past theses bars. Remember the weird bars? Yeah, the ones I always read   the names of and then forget to answer your question."

He keeps talking while feeling his driver give him a weird look through the back mirror.

"I  don't do it on  purposes, I meant to tell you that actually. It's a  habit I have, you  know. It^s so I don't have to feel awkward when  taking an Uber."

He realizes that this is probably not the best thing to say while acctually riding an Uber but keeps going anyway

"They always make weird small talk and I hate it. But I actually like it when you talk, I even like when you don't."

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