I want you

105 9 1

"I'm proud of you" Taehyung smiles at Jungkook with a warm expression, his hands running through the boy's hair, brushing them to the side and back in front of his eyes again. "I mean, that's a whole lot of progress right there."

Jungkook who has his eyes closed, hums softly. Taehyung is glad that the boy as told him all about his day at his old family home even though revisiting these situations once again must have been exhausting.

"Do you know if you'll forgive him?"

"I kind of have to, don't I?" Taehyung looks down to see Jungkook gazing up at him from his lap. "I mean...he was just trying to deal with it, like every one of us has." Jungkook fiddles with the bedsheets between them, barely audible mouthing "I'm just not sure, how easily I can forgive myself..."

Hearing this lets a hard sting emerge in Taehyung's chest, having him crease his forehead.

"Hey" Taehyung starts, surprised at the desperation in his own voice. "You have suffered long enough, all on your own." He caresses his cheeks softly. "It's your turn now to be forgiven. You deserve peace too, Jungkook."

"Peace...". The big eyes with which Jungkook looks at him at in this moment, as if he never thought to be deserving of something like that, as if he isn't able to fully grasp the meaning of the word, has Taehyung nearly in tears. He knows he could cry just thinking about how Jungkook might not see himself worthy of something like forgiveness, when Taehyung knows all too well how much he really, really is.

At loss for words, he leans forward to show Jungkook how much he means it. "Yes, peace... I'll show you"

A soft sigh leaves Jungkook throat before he closes his eyes, letting Taehyung capture his lips with his own. As much as Taehyung's chest stings thinking about how lonely Jungkook must have felt the past year, how much he must have struggled with his mind telling him it's all his fault, there is also a certain desperation in the kiss, in the way Jungkook presses himself against Taehyung's body as if close isn't close enough right now. And Taehyung understands, he feels the same way. No matter how much his lips embrace Jungkook's, how much the other's tongue caresses his mouth, it isn't enough.

When they break apart, both catching a breath they desperately needed, Jungkook sits up, gently pulling Taehyung with him.

"Hey" he breaths, his forehead touching Taehyung who is still trying to calm down his heavy beating heart.

"I...-I" Jungkook is seemingly struggling for words, his eyes searching for something in Taehyung's.

"I want you" The words come out barley more than a whisper, but Taehyung is just glade he managed to say them out loud.

Jungkook lets out a deep breath "Thank god because...I want you so bad, you have no idea" he nearly laughs as if he's amused at himself for feeling that way. "Let's take our time though" he adds, a sincere look in his eyes.

Relieved to hear this, Taehyung nods before leaning forward, letting himself be pulled on top of this used-to-be-uber driver. And he knows just how much he too, wants this right now.

*explicit content ahead*

His hands wander over the smooth landscape of soft skin, exploring every hump and bump while travailing up and down Jungkook's bare chest. They got rid of his shirt a while ago, having thrown it somewhere to the ground, where it hopefully will stay for quite a while. The ivory-like skin of Jungkook's upper body appears flawless in the sparsely lit bedroom, having Taehyung's eyes roam all over it in a sort of trance.

He can hear a soft moan filling the small bedroom when his fingertips grace over Jungkook's nipples, seemingly making the boy's chest heave at a fast pace. The beautiful view that displays itself beneath him, nearly breaks Taehyung's heart. With closed eyes, furrowed brows and mouth slightly agape, Jungkook roams softly beneath him every time Taehyung's fingers find something new to touch and explore.

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