what if?

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He can hear the sheets rustle next to him and feels a weight being lifted of the couch. After the awful day Taehyung has lived through yesterday, you'd assume he'd be tried and has fallen in a deep sleep as soon as his head had hit the pillow.

Tired he is indeed. However, someone has decided to fuck with his holy sleep by spontaneously kissing him!

What the fuck?!

And so, Taehyung has not closed his eyes one time for the whole night and the only reason he does so now, is because he fears that Jungkook might check whether he is already awake. He has yet to figure out how he is going to meet the other's eyes, but up until now he has been in denial that this moment will ever come.

There is distant clatter coming from the kitchen which is directly connect to the small living room. Jungkook is probably making himself a cup of coffee, oblivious to the fact that Taehyung is laying there wide awake, with his eyes clenched close and a heart beating wildly in his chest.

He doesn't want to go through what happened last night yet again but does it anyway. After Jungkook has laid his soft lips on Taehyung's, they had just stay like this for a while. The smooth feeling of the other's skin on his somehow felt warm and comforting and good and-

...still, it does not make any sense to Taehyung. Why would the other kiss him and bring this awkward situation upon them?

How it he supposed to act now?

Jungkook might have had a plan all along on how he is going to handle this the next day, but Taehyung has not kissed anyone in his entire life! He never had to deal with that sort of awkward silence and insecure glances, as things went south before they could even get this far the last time he caught feelings for someone.

He can feel himself freak out more and more only to be startled by a door opening and the footsteps of someone talking past the couch and towards the kitchen, making him press his face more into the pillow.

"Morning" he hears Yugyeom whisper and another chatter echoing through the small apartment.

"Morning" Jungkook whispers back, voice even lower the Yugyeom's.

"We're late for economic-history. Want to grab breakfast on the way?" Taehyung can hear Yugyeom ask.

"Yeah, let's do that" Jungkook agrees and by now Taehyung can make out the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

"Should we wake him up as well? Does he have classes today?" Yugyeom's voice sounds as if it is now closer than before and Taehyung imagines the two boys standing in the door frame to the living room, looking over at what they think is him sleeping.

"No, just let him sleep." Taehyung can hear Jungkook's low voice whisper. "Yesterday was tough for him."

Yugyeom hums and mumbles something Taehyung cannot quit understand. A little while later he hears them both walking through the living room towards the front door.

"Aah- don't think I've forgotten what you promised last night. We'll talk about it over lunch, yeah?" Yugyeom says and even though there is no audible response coming from Jungkook, Taehyung assumes he is nodding his head.

A few moments later the door falls into the lock and Taehyung is left alone.

He opens his eyes and lets out a breath of relieve. However, the feeling does not last very long as he soon realizes that he is the apartment of a stranger and has no key. Meaning if he decides to leave, he will not be able to get back in. Not without contacting the very person he does not know how to face right now.

The Tomorrow Of Us - TaekookOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant