you seem like an art person

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*trigger warning: mention of death/suicide, strong language*

"Where were you all night?"

The question comes unexpected. Jungkook did not think much of it when he saw his father sitting on the kitchen table at 5am. He has just finished a night of driving and was really looking forward to napping a little now that his room would be flowed by the morning light in an hour or so. But apparently, that is not what his father has in mind for Jungkook.

"Answer me."

There is a lingering undertone to his request, and it is only then that Jungkook notices the empty bottle on the table. Yes, he has noticed the increasing number of glass he had to dispose of in recent months but hasn't thought anything of it until now.

"Why do you care?" Jungkook can't help but ask, because honestly, he does want to know.

Why does he care?  Why now all of a sudden?

His father rubs a hand across his face. He looks older than usual to Jungkoook.

"Your mother came by and wanted to see you, but you weren't here, and I couldn't tell here where exactly you were"


"So, she said I should know what my son is up to, considering you still live under my roof, off of my money."

Aha, so that's it. Nothing more to it than his mother playing the worried card and his father acting out his authority. Well, they are a little late, only now taking interest in his life.

"I was out" Jungkook shrugs and aims to walk to his room. But the conversation doesn't seem to be over to his father.

"Out as in 'going out'? Getting wasted? Spending my money?"

"No. I had some business to take care of."

He can see his father getting up from his chair, walking towards him with a finger point at him.

"Don't you start acting all grown up, calling parting as business. The last time you were always out late at night you were- ... and now look where this has gotten us."

"What are you implying?" Jungkook already knows it. He has known all along. But he has to hear it.

"I'm not implying anything."

"Fuck yes you are. Just say it"

"I won't" His father shakes his head, is finger still in the air.

"Say it, fucking SAY IT already." Jungkook doesn't know when his voice started to get louder, echoing in the kitchen.

"No, Jungkook"


"What no...-"

The finger pointing at Jungkook falls next to his father's side. Now he' just standing in front of his son, eyes scrunched in confusion, nearly making Jungkook feel bad for raising his voice at him. But he can't stop himself now.

"You think it's my fault he's dead, you just don't have the balls to say it to my face and so you're ignoring me!"

"Is that what you think?" His father takes a few steps towards Jungkook.

"I know it's true, don't act like you have no idea what I'm talking about."

"Jungkook-" He grabs his son's wrist and Jungkook is not having it. Something in him seems to snap at the gesture, feeling his father's big hand wrap around his arm, touching him for the first time in a whole year.

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