among people but still alone

75 11 3

People Watching by Conan Gray

The room Jungkook enters  when following Taehyung is rather small considering the number of  people who have gathered in it. He stops, taking in the place with its  odd smell. Something Jungkook cannot quite pinpoint, but it reminds him  of middle school.

He feels a hand clench  around the sleeve of his hoodie, softly tugging it and guiding him to  the back of the room where a few empty chairs are facing the still  unoccupied painting aisle.

"What kind of art class  is this?" Jungkook asks even though their surroundings make it very  clear as to what people do here; they paint. And the big bouquet of  flowers in front of the class answers the question on what is being  painted today.
But still, he wants to hear Taehyung's answer, wants to  know why he has decided to bring him here. But Taehyung just shrugs and  sits down on a free chair.

Jungkook can feel the absence of the small  weight that has tugged on his hoodie just a second ago and finds himself  missing it somehow. A sudden emptiness fills him while he looks down on  the empty chair next to violinist.

He knows he could just  leave, go back to driving around random people or go home and throw a  tantrum. Lord knows he would have his reasons to do so. He is fucking  homeless right now, was kicked out of his childhood home by his own  father and honestly, if he and Taehyung did not have the deal of him  driving Taehyung, Jungkook would have probably- well, who know what he  would have done. 

Taehyung must have pick  up on Jungkook's mood which makes him feel bad. The guy did nothing to  bring this unfortunate situation upon him. More like the opposite, as  the weekly drives with him have become the one thing Jungkook looks  forward to during the week - something he hasn't realized until this very  moment and now he doesn't know how to feel about it.
He doesn't deserve  to have something to brighten his week, doesn't deserve someone trying  to cheer him up when he clearly is the cause for all of it. And yet  still, he finds himself taking a seat next to Taehyung. Maybe it's  because he doesn't want to hurt the other's feelings by just leaving, or  maybe it's because he feels himself slowly but surely enjoying the  others calm and quiet manner more and more.

There is a woman  stepping in front of the class, greeting everyone and instructing them  on today's task, which is to paint the flowers as realistically as  possible, taking all the shadows and different colors and shades into  account.

"Honestly" he hears  Taehyung whisper in his direction while the instructor keeps going on  about the different techniques to paint a realistic painting "I never  really use the techniques she tells us to. I just do whatever I feel  like doing that day."

Jungkook sees Taehyung pouring different colors on to his pallet and decides to do the same.

"And why is that? I  don't think you'll improve much by not following the class - ah shit" he  mutters when a splash of white paint lands on his hoodie by him  squirting out the color of a nearly empty tube.

He can see Taehyung shrug from the corner of his eyes. "I don't want to improve my art. That's not why I'm here."

"Then why are you here?"

Taehyung always seems so  mysterious, always answering Jungkook's questions without ever really  revealing anything remotely personal about himself.

"It helps me loosen up  from always trying my best while practicing. Here I don't have to do my  best, or even any good at all. I can just do whatever I want." A soft  smile seems to form on the violinst's lips.

"Okay, I get that. But why do you come here than? You could just buy yourself a canvas and some colors..."

It takes a little while for Taehyung to answer and Jungkook isn't sure if he offended the other.

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