Chapter 25- Camp, Part 3

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This chapter is dedicated to @penaynay12 and @EJCBooks for guessing correctly who the hooded figure was!

‘I couldn't let that happen, your ego is a fragile and delicate thing’

–Valkyrie Cain

“I swear breakfast tastes twice as good when you cook it over a fire,” Penny pointed out to the rest of us.

“You said that yesterday as well. For breakfast, lunch and dinner,” Caine complained, “Find something new to tell everyone, woman!”

“I do believe we have activities to go to so it would be much appreciated if your pointless bickering could cease,” I said, cutting into what would turn into a full scale argument on what would seem was a completely useless topic where one of the two would end up pranked. Caine and Penny had a strange relationship, but a cute one nonetheless. Thankfully they followed my request and shut up.

“They act like a married couple,” Mason muttered and Adrian burst out laughing.

The teachers were not the brightest people I had ever met, they had let us choose our own activities for the last day of camp. My first problem was that this was our senior year of high school, meaning that more than a few couples would be making out in some of the remote caves in the area despite the teachers saying that it was not allowed. My second problem was that, for seniors, the camp was too short. We deserved a camp at least a week long because of all the stress that the teachers put us under, grated it wasn't stressful for me but for everyone else it was. Honestly though I was kind of glad the camp was short, my feelings for Adrian were confusing me at this current point in time and I wasn't quite sure how to act around him making any conversation between us awkward and uncomfortable. More than one I had heard Penny muttering something about the ‘sexual tension’ being unbearable under her breath. Being the good friend I was I glared at her and she promptly shut up.

Today we had decided that we could all have a turn at choosing an activity and apparently it was my choice first.

“I officially state that my activity will be…reading,” I declared.

“Haven't you finished the book you were reading?” Penny asked.

“Yes, Penaynay, I have indeed finished the book but I wish to read it again to make sure that I have every word memorised,” I replied.

“What kind of disturbed individual would read the same book twice, I ask you?” Adrian muttered. That caused both Penny and my eyes to lock and a sly grin to appear on out faces.

“Are you sure you've never read Skulduggery Pleasant, Game Boy?” I questioned him.

“I haven’t ever touched the book much less read it,” Adrian scoffed.

“Well, you just quoted SP himself,” Penny informed him. Adrian looked horrified.

“We are not reading,” Caine said firmly.

“Fine,” I sighed, “ I know what we can do instead.”

Five minutes later we all stood amongst the trees and I had the familiar case tucked under my arm. Caine, Penny, Adrian, Will and Mason all looked slightly terrified.

“Today,” I grinned, “I will be throwing knives.”

“What about us?” Mason asked, worried.

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