Chapter 8: She Shouldn't Have Done It

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My eyes blink open to a clear blue sky. I'm asleep. I know I am. But I'm back in the clearing at moon haven, the flowers are vibrantly beautiful and glowing brighter than when I was last here. I sit up and look around at all the trees and the winding brooks looking for her but she's nowhere in sight.

"MUUUUM!" I shout. Then I hear paws and feet running towards me. I turn to see Aurora and Kaida charging at me. I stand but Aurora knocks me back down and rubs herself all over me making me laugh. Then Kaida nudges me with her snout and licks me, rubbing her head over mine.

*"We've been so worried. You must never block us out, Kylie. We're here to help lighten your burdens. Please don't scare us like that again." Kaida reprimands, as she lays and curls around me to lean on.

"Yes. We will always be on your side. We know you've been feeling alone and scared. We need you just as much as you need us. We know you're angry at Tejus, you only need to talk to us. We will listen and help you through this" Aurora adds, as she lays her head in my lap. My eyes fill with tears as I reply.

"I'm sorry, it's just been too much. But I think things will be OK. I'm listening to Logan and Katys advice and doing what my heart and soul wants. I don't even know why I'm still so angry about it, when I understand why he did what he did. My emotions are just all over the place right now, confusing me" I say as I stroke them both on their ears.

"We understand. We feel what you do and do not understand any of it ourselves. Don't be too hard on yourself or Tejus. Baby steps are fine and will help work towards healing the break in the bond you feel. It's not really there though, you understand that right?" Kaida says calmly.

"Yeah. I know it's in my head… Why are we here? Where's mum?"

"I'm here, little mouse. How are you doing?" I jump up, apologies go to Aurora as I knock her out the way. And throw my arms around her. She hugs me tight and then pulls back, wiping away my tears.

"How are you doing sweetie?"

"Ok I guess. Why am I here again? Not that I'm not happy to see you, I am. I'm just confused. Am I OK? And about Tejus. What-" I ask her, hoping she will have the answers I'm looking for. Maybe she has some words of wisdom about Tejus too.

"Slow down. Your here because you needed to be. Your fine, just sleeping. The spell you created took the last of your energy. You really do need to start looking after yourself, little mouse. Otherwise I'll have to pay some nightmare visits to your mate's, father and brother's. Trust them sweetie. There's no reason to stay mad at Tejus. You already know you would have done the same in his situation and you know he's sorry. You've already forgiven him, you just cant admit it to yourself yet. Which is also OK. You are allowed to be angry at him. But I promise there are unforeseen things causing your emotions to go haywire" I nod, knowing these unforseen things aare things she can't tell me, otherwise she would have told me outright, then I ask about the spell.

"So what do you know of the spell? It just… came to me. I don't even know what I said. So i have no idea what it did really. Do you know why Tejus is affecting me the way he is and why he makes me sick? Or not sick.. you know what I'm saying" She looks frustrated and sad.

"Mum?" She sighs and then says.

"I whispered the spell to you. Which is why you knew what to say. It was to help with the sickness. I shouldn't have done it really but you have so much on your plate and I'm presuming you forgot the gift I imparted to you? About the gift of spell creating. As it wasn't anything of importance what Is there should be fine and I won't receive repercussions. But I'm OK if i do too. I'd do anything with in my power to help you. The spell was along the lines of 'keep him with me when he's far, to stop the ailments his absence causes my soul'. And yes I know why your reacting the way you are and everything to do with it. But I'm afraid that's not something I can tell you. But there is a certain someone that can. And I know 'the little warrior' in you will figure out who" She tells me giving me a hint without telling me. I smile and nod telling her I understand who she means.

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