Chapter 15: Weirdo

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All I could think about was how good he was making me feel and how much I wished I could absorb as much of him as possible and take him with me. I could feel magic all around us but was too occupied with Tejus and Caleb moving in and out of me to care. My body starts to fill with white hot pleasure but I need more of whatever Tejus is giving me. So I told him. When he doesn't say anything I pull it to me and take it. He grips my hips bruisingly tight and I feel as his cock pulses with his release, as I push him down to the bed and kiss him. I tell Caleb 'now' as I'm ready and he uses Vampire magic to tip me over the edge and he follows after me. Then i collapse to Tejus's chest, not wanting to move. I want to stay curled up with him and forget Declan and Decan and just enjoy this need I have for him. 

"Pr-Princess… too… much.. sto-" I hear Tejus's slured words and rise up on my hands. What's happening? Too much what? His eyes start rolling into the back of his head and I freak out.


"You need to calm down, flower. You're still feeding on his energy and need to stop" e says calmly. I jump back and away from Tejus and bang into him and he puts his arms around me.

"I don't know?... I don't even know I'm doing it! Caleb is he OK?" I exclaim frantically and start crying. What if I've really hurt him.

"Just breathe, flower. He's gonna be fine, you've just taken a lot of his energy and he needs to restore it"

"How do I… stop it! Maybe if I.. send some-" I sob, taking a step towards Tejus's unconscious form. When Caleb spins me to face him and grabs my face in both his hands. I look at Tejus as best I can as he won't let me turn my head and try to get out of his hold. 

"Kylie! Stop and listen to me. Now" He snaps. I look at him and he says,

"Good. Now listen. You need to make a choice. Stay and see to Tejus, though regardless of what you do, you need to remove that spell. I think you should get rid of it right now in fact. Whatever is happening it's there for a reason-"

"But how can… I when it makes.. me need him… near all the… time!" Why can't I stop crying damn it! 

"We will have to figure it out. But it needs to be done. After what just happened, it might be a side effect of the spell. You've cut off whatever is going on with you both, so your... body is doing something... different to get what it needs. Do you understand what I mean?" I nod as tears continue to pour from my eyes. 

"So your choice is; stay so we can figure this out and we will expose Declan now! Or pull yourself together, take the spell off and go. What will it be?" I look at Tejus just laying there. He looks peaceful and like he's sleeping. I need to go and find this woman and try and figure out who exactly is pulling the strings. So I close my eyes and take a deep calming breath. When I feel like I'm not going to just cry more, I open them to look at him. 

"Very well. I see you've truly forgiven him already" it's not a question but a statement. I look at Tejus again and bite my tongue to stop the tears that still want to fall.

"How can I not, when im in love with the stupid, fucking idiot. He's still got some making up to do but… yeah. I forgive him"

"OK it's time to remove the spell. We can figure out another one that just stops you being sick" 

"Ok" I say and turn towards the bed. I close my eyes and get the help from my mum again as I just start saying.

"Tolle quod iam non opus est et aegritudines meas mihi redde"
*(take what is no longer necessary and restore to me my ailments) This time it's not an ache I feel but a stabbing pain, as the orbs pull out of our chests and absorb Into each other again. I'm panting and the pain is getting worse, that I start to fall but Caleb catches me. I'm glad Tejus is asleep for this, he makes a groaning sound but otherwise seems to be OK and not feeling the pain I am. Why is it taking so long? The orbs start expanding and sparking then they shoot into Tejus's chest. 

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