Chapter 17: No Such Thing

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We get down stairs and all the guys are waiting. When they see me they stand with smirks on their faces.

"What? Why are you all looking at me?"

"Finally had enough of Caleb and Tejus, dragonfly?"

"Not even close to enough but-" I break off when Sebastian uses his vampire speed and kisses me. Not a few seconds later I hear the front door go.

"Remember, ma moitié. You have to speak in our heads. Not out loud"

"Ah. Good. You're ready. Shall we?" Decaln says. He's obviously in a hurry. Sebastian pulls back and I realise that's why he kissed me. So Declan wouldn't hear me talking.

"Declan. It's good to see you. Sorry for-"
"Think nothing of it. I'd like to get you home and settled in before I attend a meeting. Once that's done I will be able to spend more of my time with you" He smiles.

"Sure. Let's go... is J-Lo ready?" We all start making our way out the door and Zander replies

"There outside waiting" we get out the front and his witch I can never remember the name of stands with his arm out to Declan.

"Just place a hand on Gary. He has a teleportation spell to get us all there at the same time" J-Lo steps towards Gary and I fling my arms around zander as he's the closest to me.

"I'm gonna miss you" He squeezes me tight and says

"You need me, I'll be there in seconds. Love you, little mate"

"Love you" I do the same with Sebastian, Keelan and Caleb. They tell me they love me and that if I want them, to just tell them and they will come to me. Then Blake takes my hand and with Dravon and Tejus we walk over and place a hand on Gary.

"Who is he?" Declan asks.

"Who do you mean?" Dravon asks.

"Obviously the only man here that I don't know" Oh he means Tejus. What are we going to call him?

"That's my brother, Jensen. He's Kylie's personal guard. And will be with her at all times" Jake answers for us. Jensen. I'm gonna have to try and remember that.

"Why would she need a personal guard? And when she's with me, he will not be needed" Declan states.

"It doesn't matter why she has one. He's hers and he's going or she isn't" Dravon snarls at him. Declan looks very unhappy with this but concedes.

"Very well, let's go" Tejus. I mean Jensen touches Gary and I look at my mates standing there with worry as he teleports us away. We get there and we're in a clearing surrounded by trees. Declan starts striding off to the right and yells over his shoulder

"This way. I will show you to you rooms and then I have my meeting. I should be done by 4. Make sure you are ready for dinner as we will be eating in the pack hall so everyone can meet their future Luna, which will be served at 6. I will show you around beforehand" We follow after him and start walking through, what I would describe as a large village. There's hundreds of people milling about, shopping, playing in the park with their kids, talking with others, sitting at a table outside a cozy looking cafe. It all seems nice and normal. We then come up to a large looking mansion. With 2 large houses either side.

"Logan, Jake and Jenen will be staying in the-"

"Sorry to interrupt Declan. But Jensen stays where I stay, along with my mates" I watch his eyes flash in anger but he smiles and says.

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