Chapter 43: Yes!

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I walk into our bedroom, looking for Meryn. She tends to climb into bed with us, and as me and Keelan have been up since five because his baby girl won't stop kicking me and is coming any day now, I know Meryn won't be in her bed any longer and will be snuggled up with her daddy. This is exactly how I find them so I take my phone out and take a picture, because fuck me, the tattooed body of my mate cuddling with his little girl is too cute not to. And makes me want him. Damn hormones!

"Baby, go with daddy Keelan so I can speak to mummy for a minute" Tejus says to Meryn but mind links me.

"You smell so fucking delicious. Get in bed with me. Sex is good for starting labour if I remember correctly"

"No! Want you, daddy" She protests, locking her arm around him.

"It's fine, baby. You stay in bed with daddy,  but only five more minutes, Ok? I'll have your breakfast ready when you come down... And you know Keelan has to stay with me. Now make sure she's ready to go to your mum's and that her bag is packed please"

"I know. I know, and I will, Princess. Love you" I walk back out of the room hearing Meryn cry.

"I'm a Princess. Not Mummy!" So cute, and technically not wrong. Not long after she was born (her birthday is in October) They were all handed the royal reins, making them Kings and me their Queen. So she is a Princess. We currently have three Princes and three Princesses with the fourth almost here. I remember Meryn's birth like it was yesterday.


I've been getting braxton hicks all fucking day! Like all day! I'm miserable, fat and tired! We've all just got home from Katy's baby shower. They're having a girl too, which is awesome, and they're not due until March. I'm kinda hoping she's born on my birthday, but we will see. Aaanyway…

The guys have all kissed me goodnight and gone to bed. The bigger I get the less comfortable I am at night and they take up too much room and make me more uncomfortable, so I told them I was sleeping with Tejus until Jellybean arrives. I go to the kitchen to get a drink and cupcake. Yes, I fucking love cupcakes and it's probably why I'm so fucking huge! I don't want to eat it because it makes me feel bigger, but damn it I'm gonna eat it anyway because it tastes so fucking good. Fuck anyone who gets in my way right now. Tears start to fall as I take an aggressive bite of my cake and I feel arms go around me and Tejus says.

"Princess. You're not huge, you're pregnant and can eat as many cupcakes as you want. Not much longer and she will be here in your arms and you will feel much better. Please don't cry. Do you want to have sex? Will that make you feel better?" 

"Yes! Though I don't know how any of you find me attractive anymore-" I start to whine, but he spins me around and kisses me, cutting me off. Cupcake forgotten, I put my arms around his neck and kissed him back. He then dissipates us to our room where he fucks me and worships my body, making me feel less fat and more beautiful than ever. 

We're laying there and Tejus fell asleep at eleven-thirty which was about two hours ago. I've been having what I guess are braxton hicks for the past hour and a half. But they're getting so intense and closer together that by three in the morning I'm pacing the bedroom, trying not to wake anyone in case this is a fault alarm. I don't know if this is considered labour. How the fuck am I supposed to know? And all my mates are asleep, oblivious to my pain right now. How is Tejus sleeping?

By four o'clock they're coming every three minutes and lasting what feels like a lifetime and I can't breathee and want to scream with the pain. So bracing my hands on the bathroom door frame I suppress the next scream as a contraction comes, because I am definitely in fucking labour now, rocks my belly. And now I'm super fucking pissed at the Sentry asleep in bed, enjoying his sleep, while I've had none! In three hours, I've officially been awake for twenty-four hours. So once this one has passed I look around but find nothing, so I take my slipper off and just as I throw it another contraction hits and I cry out this time. 

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