Chapter 25: OhMyGod

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Pain. Fucking soul crushing pain. Why am I feeling this? It feels like the stab of betrayal but 100 times worse. And I'm sure none of them would do this to me. Right? My head is pounding too. Where the fuck am I anyway? I remember looking at Declan after telling Dravon about dessert and then… nothing. Why do my wrists hurt? How long has it been? And why do my eyes feel so fucking heavy?

"Tejus?" I groan. I really need him to not be ignoring me right now. 

"Tejus. Please talk to me. I need you..  Tejus!.. Fine! Be that way!... Dravon?…. Dravon!?... Blake?..Logan?… CALEB!?" Why are they all ignoring me? And what the fuck is attached to my wrists, because I starting to piss me off I force my eyes open and can bearly see anything. There's a bright white spot light shining down on me and somehow it's not illuminating the rest of the room. I look at my wrists and see they're chained. I pull them and find I can't hear them clinking together either. I shake my head hoping it will pop my ears and move them again trying to focus on hearing them and it comes through but sounds muffled. Then Declans voice comes from around me. 

"Ky-lie" He sings and it echoes and gets louder and closer, until I can hear him, but there's a slight ringing in my ears.

"How are you feeling, my sweet?" At least I can make out what he's saying.

"Declan? What am I doing here? And where are my mates?" I groan. I try to use my magic and teleport but it doesn't work.

"No need to keep up the pretenses. I know you can speak. The question is why were you hiding it? Have you been able to speak the whole time? And there's no use using your magic. These beautiful bracelets your wearing, stop you from shifting and using the magic I know you have, because its lending them to another"

"Of course I have. And it doesn't matter why. And what are you talking about? Who's using them? Where are my mates? You know they will be looking for me as we speak! Now answer me!" I snap. I can't think of a good enough lie so I'll just not tell him. I thought he would know why I can't speak, or couldn't. Thankfully he doesn't.

"Your mates are now in bed sleeping actually. Amylia Is keeping them company or Amy as you know her. And you're here as it's where I wish you to be. I've had a lot of plans in the works to get to you. This is the one that finally paid off. And in case you didn't guess, it's Amylia that is using your gifts" I start trying to break out of my chains. And scream out to all of them all, but no one hears me, not even Kaida and Aurora. 

"Arrggghhh! My mates will figure it out. They're not stupid and will know she's not me. I have scars she doesn't. Her body is nothing like mine" I yell at him in anger

"Ahh but I've trained her in all things you. And she's been watching you all week to pick up your mannerisms. You see, I found a loophole. When that vial Alpha tried mating with you and couldn't, it was because you refused him and you're special enough that it can't be forced. Unfortunately for me. But I got permission to mate with this body and even marked it-" So he knows Alpha tried mating with me, but not the stupid spell he put on me not to speak. He's not as good as he thinks he is.

"I still refuse! And there are things you don't know that she won't know. She won't be able to help being the stupid, airheadded, slutty bimbo she really is. So she won't be able to trick them for long and like I said, they will know.. it's.. wait! Did you say this body?" He looks gleefully and starts to circle me. 

"Ahh. Caught that did you? Yes. You are in Amylia's body and she in yours. As you pointed out, she does not have the scars. I want your power. Nothing more. You see, I did a few experiments on some females and a couple of my loyal subjects and as long as the body has agreed and receives the mark, I can put you in it, which I have, and that's all I need to mate with you. Your essence, your soul is all I needed and not being in your body will confuse it enough that the mating will take. So once Amylia has slept with them and gotten pregnant, and you should be happy to know it won't take long as I have placed a super fertility spell on her essence, I can then move forward with mating you. She has to be pregnant first you see, as your soul won't want to go back to a body that houses the creation of one of your mates and her essence. Thus fracturing your bonds with your mates enough to help your soul bond to mine… Okay maybe I want 2 things from you, because once we are mated, I shall get you pregnant, create an offspring I can use and bend to my will, and I will also put a spell on you, making you do my bidding. I will be unstoppable. Obviously I can't give anything away until we're ready, which is after she is pregnant, due to them feeling the stab of betrayal, just as you will feel. Every. Single. Time. But by then it will be too late. You will be completely in my control. Otherwise I would be mating you right now" He smiles sinisterly as he eyes my body. I shudder in disgust. They better fucking figure this out befor she gets pregnant and he mates with me. I'll have to kill them if they don't. 

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