Chapter 19: It's Not Going To Happen

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When I wake, it's not because I want to, but Tejus just walked into the room. I shoot up and run to the bathroom and I'm sick again. 

"Fuck! Princess, I'm sorry. I totally forgot you'd be sick" He rubs my back as I heave into the toilet. My stomach is empty so nothing really comes out. 

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask him

"Only an hour. Do you need to rest a little more?"

"I do now. This is ridiculous! Why do I have to be sick? I hope my dad gets back soon and can tell me why" I answer as I go to the sink and brush my teeth, again. Tejus then carries me to the bed and climbs in with me. My eyes start closing, why am I still so tired? 

"I'm sorry, Princess. With the way I've been acting, it can't be easy for you. That man just drives me nuts and the fact we couldn't get through to you all night and him trying something-"

"Who told you he tri-"
"Logan explained that you devised a code so he knew when to get you out of there… So what happened last night? None of us could reach you and we tried, several times"

"What time did you all try? Because I had a shower and then fell straight asleep. I wasn't lying about feeling tired. I always feel tired recently" He tightens his arms around me as he replies 

"Probably after, but Blaze couldn't reach Kaida either and you should have both woken to answer one of us. We were loud enough-" 

"I must have been that tired. I woke feeling normal and fine, so I don't think he did anything. And he was pleasant this morning despite being Interrupted. He really isn't acting like he did when I first met him. He's nice and sweet"

"So you like him?"

"This version of him, yeah" 

"So your attracted t-"
"Oh my goddess! No. I'm not attracted to him in the slightest. Not that he's ugly or anything but his face just doesn't do it for me" He leans over me and gets close to my face as he says.

"No? So what face does do it for you?" I put my hand to his face and say.

"Let Me See You... Now this is a face that does it for me" He smirks and kisses me. He's just running his hands up my top when the door flies open. 

"Oh. Sorry. I should have knocked, I was meeting Jensen in here and thought you were still in Declans room to be honest" Amy says and just stands there. Tejus is frozen where he is so she doesn't see his face and my blood is starting to boil.

"She was meeting you was she? Get in her head and make her see Dravons face on yours. Then get the fuck away from me"

"She's fucking lying! I wasn't meeting her" He states

"Hide From Sight... She seems to say otherwise! Does her face do it for you, Tejus? Have you made her think she will see Dravon?" I ask him angrily

"No she fucking doesn't. And yes i have, but-" He starts just as angry at the accusation, but what else am I supposed to think when she said she was supposedly meant to be meeting him?

"Then get off me!"

"Princess! Will you just fucking listen to me!"

"No. Now.. move!" I shove him, using my magic to help me and he falls off me and to the floor. I sit up and look at her, trying really hard not to show how much I want to rip her throat out. Tejus gets off the floor and looks at her.

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